Open Season Chapter 29: Dreams
# # kel walked up to the reception desk of mercy general hospital. a blond otter femme in a crisp white nurse's uniform greeted her. "may i help you, miss?" the otter chirped. "yes please," kel smiled.
Burdens - Chapter 126: Waiting
Luckily, roger should be out of the hospital by then. his parents managed a visit toward the weekend, but it was short lived since the visiting hours would end. roger was fine with it. sometimes it was better to just relax in silence.
Burdens - Chapter 124: Gentle
If something happened, they wanted him to be in a hospital gown. it was just easier that way. roger acquiesced. the weasel departed. it still took another hour or so before the wolf arrived.
Burdens - Chapter 122: Bored
Chapter 122: Bored Roger had felt better after having a visit from his favorite wolf, but now that he was gone, he had begun to get lonely. The television's sound only gave him the longing for company. He shut it off and listened the soft hum of the...
Burdens - Chapter 121: Useless
He had no idea how far away the hospital was from home and he could not check. "how long did it take for you to get here?" hunter thought for a moment, and then said, "about an hour in the bus. it was quicker when greg drove."
Burdens - Chapter 120: Visitor
The dinner was bland, but it was hospital food. still, it tasted a lot better than if he had not had a visitor.
Burdens - Chapter 116: White
Chapter 116: White The darkness seemed to be eternal and overpowering, but in the end, reality was stronger. Roger woke up slowly, unable to open his right eye, and only halfway for his left eye. He could not move, and everything seemed fuzzy. He...
My Personal Star Part 9
When Valin woke up, everything was blurry. He blinked slowly, but his vision only increased a little bit. Looking around, he saw a form slumped in a chair by his bed. As he moved around, stretching and rubbing at his eyes, the form moved, grabbing his...
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 5
With everything that happen at the school, i just glad this should be my last stop, gemini memorial hospital. twenty stories tall, each floor holding around thirty rooms, and the place where most people affected by a violent crime end up.
Getting Better
The features of a large building built of bricks and mortar comes to view as arthur turns the corner, the signs marked 'hospital' pointing squarely towards the building.
New Lease
New Lease by pj wolfe Air rushed into Rey's nose, pure and untainted. This forced her to open her eyes, because she'd never breathed in stuff like this before. She coughed once or twice, or tried to. She couldn't swallow, not how she was supposed...
digi kimi Chapter 15: Do I want to remember?
Said everyone 'look like we're going to the airport soon, said jason 'no need since ty dad work at the hospital they going use the hospital helicopter, ty mother work at the hospital reception when she is really needed,' said jasmine 'so how long will it