Sky Ocean Chapter 12

#12 of sky ocean chapter 12 the young she wolf lets out a gasp of pleasure as gentle talons caress her fur.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 14

#14 of sky ocean chapter 14 harvy learned something about avians that day...she learned that 'kissing' an avian was always guarenteed to be a deeply intimate act. namely because avians had no lips.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 13

#13 of sky ocean chapter 13 harvy stared at the eggs on her plate with a blank face before looking up at her smiling mother. "um...i don't think i'm very hungry mom..." the older wolf rolled her eyes.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 11

"i don't know what it means...i've had this dream for as long as i can remember...but i don't know what it's as if the sky...calls to me..."

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Sky Ocean Chapter 1

#1 of sky ocean a beautiful tale of pain, spiritualism, and true love as told through the eyes of a brilliant, artistic, and highly spiritual youth who finds himself ostracized by others in his lone desert town, who's life takes on far more meaning following

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Sky Ocean Chapter 10

#10 of sky ocean chapter 10 harvy awoke with a start. an all too familiar cold sweat slicked her fur and an uncomfortable heat filled her cheeks. aww dammit! she thought furiously. get a grip harvy!

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Sky Ocean Chapter 9

#9 of sky ocean chapter 9 harvy had to remind herself to breathe as she was caught completely off guard by gar's tender hug.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 8

#8 of sky ocean chapter 8 harvy awoke with a contented sigh as she stretched and yawned widely. glancing at the clock she saw that it was past twelve. oh well. she thought. it's a sunday.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 7

#7 of sky ocean an - (i adore mrs. sellow!

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Sky Ocean Chapter 6

#6 of sky ocean chapter 6 gravity vanishes as the endless blue engulfs the young avian. the sun's light dances intimately across his pearl plumage as the sky breathes for him.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 5

#5 of sky ocean chapter 5 harvy lept up from her seat as the final bell rang, stretching with an exagerated canine yawn. she froze when she felt nimble fingers lightly tapping her on the shoulder.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 4

#4 of sky ocean chapter 4 the endless blue engulfed the avian's celstial form. clouds of shifting shape and distant meaning danced across his vision. time slowed down and finally melted away.

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