All around the living and dining rooms were an assortment of Mintaka drakken, largely comprised of members from Jarzyl's father's department, along with their families or guests who were to be attending the sector launch today. With smooth grace Jarzyl...
Adolescent, Adorable, Avaeria, City of Wings, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Fledgling, Food, Food Play, Friendship, Hatchling, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Worldbuilding, Young
_This story is self-contained and can be read alone. (2,404 words) Rating: Clean__, with a dose of anatomical and societal worldbuilding_
_Terminology: A drake is a male dragon, a drakka is a female dragon, and drakken is the collective term for...
Adorable, Anatomically Correct, City of Wings, Conference, Cute, Dance, Dancing, Dragon, Dragoness, Eyes, Hatchling, Meeting, Planning, Singing, Worldbuilding, Young, business, discussion, presentation, serious
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in the dense urban environment of the city of wings, gleaming skyscrapers that stretched into the sky were the norm, especially in sector one.
Adolescent, Adorable, Avaeria, City of Wings, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Egg, Eggplay, Eggs, Fledgling, Friendship, Short Story, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Worldbuilding, Young, nest, parent, parenthood
the sun had set several hours ago, but the city of wings was never truly dark.
Adorable, Bed, Bedroom, City of Wings, Clean, Cub (clean), Cute, Daughter, Dragon, Dragoness, Dream, Family, Father, Hatchling, Love, Mother, Stay Hydrated, Young, loving, sweet, water
The city of wings was flying slowly through the sky, and it was made up of dozens of immensely huge sections.
Adolescent, Adorable, Avaeria, Character Development, City of Wings, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Fledgling, Friendship, Magic, Short Story, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Wings, Worldbuilding, Young, crash, injury
_2,828 words_
[Not really related image, but cute](
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It was a good nap. When Jarzyl finally stirred from her...
Adolescent, Adorable, Avaeria, City of Wings, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Egg, Eggplay, Eggs, Fledgling, Friendship, Magic, Short Story, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Worldbuilding, Young, nest, parent, parenthood
_960 words._ _Rating: Clean...?_
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"Did you...? Did you just lick my...? Why, though?" Atlas asked slowly. "That's not supposed to go in your mouth."
"I was curious!" Jarzyl retorted, and her neck frill perked up around her head. The...
Adolescent, Adorable, Avaeria, Character Development, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Fledgling, Friendship, Horns, Short Story, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Worldbuilding, Young, horn, play, wholesome
Jarzyl and Caden were both seated at their desks, side by side, and the two dragon fledglings were comparing their homework sheets before class was about to start for the day. While they had both finished the assignment, their math answers didn't...
Adolescent, Avaeria, Character Development, City of Wings, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Fledgling, Flirtation, Friendship, Horns, Oridian, Short Story, Slice of Life, Suggestive, Teasing, Teenager, Teenagers, Worldbuilding, Young, flirting, horn, injury, play
Clan politics is ever changing in the city of wings.
atlas was relaxing in his room, carefully tuning a wing harp. the musical instrument was a flat rack of hollow tubes in decreasing lengths--with a gap in the middle dividing the instrument into two.
Adolescent, Adorable, Character Development, City of Wings, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Family Drama, Fledgling, Friendship, Kiss, Kissing, Oridian, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Young Love, Young Romance, flirt, flirting, making out
_this story is the first out of a series of slice-of-life vignettes concerning the everyday life and adventures of jarzyl, a young dragon living in the city of wings.
Adorable, Biting, Character Development, City of Wings, Clean, Cub (clean), Cuddling, Cute, Daughter, Dragon, Dragoness, Family, Fantasy, Father, Hatching, Hatchling, Innocence, Love, Mother, Parental Care, Short Story, Young, loving
Notably, he wore wingtip pennants that didn't have a clan crest, but instead had the crest of the city of wings. "what have we here--a lost little fledge? you don't live here," he said in a casual, sing-song voice.
jarzyl nodded.
Adolescent, Adorable, Avaeria, Bedroom, City of Wings, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Egg, Eggplay, Eggs, Fledgling, Friendship, Hatchling, Short Story, Slice of Life, Snuggles, Snuggling, Teenager, Teenagers, Worldbuilding, Young, nest, parent, parenthood
_Some light fledgling flirtations_ (6,347 words)
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With a quiet flutter of his wings, a young three-legged dragon landed on the balcony. Atlas's sooty-black scales made for good camouflage at night, but on a bright sunlit afternoon like this one,...
Adolescent, Amputee, Bodypaint, City of Wings, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Exploration, Fledgling, Flirtation, Friendship, Groping, Hug, Hugging, M/F, Male/Female, Oridian, Science Project, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, flirting, research