Pj and Pete Missing Stories Chapter 3 -- DELETED SCENE

"we don't have anywhere special to be mr. d'caht." the tiger said. "in fact, only reason we're here is because of a complaint from the farmer who owns this field." "how is old bob?" pete wondered.

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Pj and Pete chapter 19

"i mean, mr. d'caht obviously would feel more comfortable with a teacher who he knows better and i'd have an easier time getting along with that... "big truck" of yours." "that you would miss?" bubba said a smug smile tugging at his lips.

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Pj and Pete chapter 20

Sometimes mr. d'caht could be such a cock blocker. of course the fact that the older man provided more than enough sexual compensation for the occasional blockage made up for it. but still... it could be annoying at times.

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Pj and Pete chapter 22 Part 1

"just who do you think you are mr. d'caht?" standing his ground pete snorted at the older man and gave him an icy stare to match his own. "i'm da hard ass who makes that lazy ass son 'o' yers do his god damn job." he said darkly.

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Story Commission: Mr. Brown X Mukiro (Kitt)

"ah, mr. d'caht what a pleasure it is to see you here!" he said louder than he meant to startled at the sound of orson's voice, pj gave a gasp and spun around towards the other man eyes wide. "oh, m-mr. b-brown!" he said shakily.

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Pj and Pete: Missing Stories Chapter 1

"you heard me: you mr. d'caht are nothing but a big. old. and dumb. "saleau"!" bubba repeated slowly. though still unclear as to what a "saleau" was pete immediately decided to take offense and shook his fist menacingly.

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