Torpedo Run Chapter 21

#21 of torpedo run comments are extremely welcome. in particular, let me know if the action stays exciting, the characters interesting, and so on. thanks for reading!

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Torpedo Run Chapter 19

While often useless in the opening parts of battle, torpedo run was invaluable in the middle and long game.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 18

#18 of torpedo run chapter 18 as the jump-counter dropped to zero, captain adriana leith braced herself.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 17

#17 of torpedo run chapter 17 nivea 'niece' gordon lay on the soft grass in her two-piece bikini and stared up towards the sky with a relaxed smile.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 16

#16 of torpedo run this chapter has -holy crap!- gay porn in it! enjoy! unless of course you're not legal to read it. in which case rawr go do whatever it is teenagers do that isn't masturbation! comments, critique, and so on welcome.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 34

#34 of torpedo run chapter 34 under a sky pregnant with looming storm, forty thousand marines boarded landing craft to be borne upward, through that lightning-lit sky and toward whatever fate lay beyond it.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 33

#33 of torpedo run chapter 33 after an hour of struggle,derryhad given up on doing anything about the aching, knotted-up boner he'd been sporting ever since nivea had been very nearly pulled right off his prick by the arrival of their commanding

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Torpedo Run Chapter 11

#11 of torpedo run hi everyone! here's the newest chapter of torpedo run. please leave comments, votes, faves, whatever you feel up to doing :) the more i see of them, the more motivated i am, generally speaking.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 10

#10 of torpedo run apologies for the slowness in getting this chapter written. up until today, i had a bit of writer's block that luckily seems to have gone away.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 9

#9 of torpedo run hi everybody, sorry this chapter took longer to put out. for some reason it just didn't seem to want to flow.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 8

#8 of torpedo run chapter 8 jenny had put her paw on the back of a bench and was about to sit down, already exhausted with tosker's ranting paranoid tirade when he surprised her.

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