Ozien's journey
In the land of Arcane-Terra lived some of the most magnificent and powerful creature someone could ever imagine. Some of then where large, very large, and other where only few centimeters high, but in Arcane-Terra, size means nothing. There, the most...
The Living Wilds
Ben walked along the displays at the museum, sighing a bit to himself as he looked into the huge tanks filled with a wide variety of rare wildlife. Recent discoveries had led to the capture of countless new species that had never come into contact with...
Last Resorts
Ryan fell to the ground, snow coating most of his body. He looked up and could only see that massive blizzard he had gotten lost in. Ryan was 23, and had taken a liking to long hikes and climbing mountains. He had gone through his life always looking...
Off the Menu
A deafening crash of metal on metal jolted Owen awake with a start. He jumped, struggling to sit up and look around, blinking into the unfamiliar darkness. Voices echoed all around him, mostly murmurs of confusion, a couple screams of fear. He rubbed...
Mind Your Mother
It was only half way through November, and already the large shopping mall was decked out in christmas decorations. garland hung from the arched skylight that ran the length of the concourse, wreaths were spaced every hundred feet or so, and in the...
A Walk in the Snow
The weather was unseasonably cold, but that didn't bother Thunder at all; he knew how to beat the cold. He trotted happily in the snow, his brown fur standing out from the lustrous white of the heaven's version of "shaved ice". The sun hid behind a...
An Uneventful Swim
It was a beautiful, crisp, clear day when ilbv decided to go swimming. The water was clear, and the waves crashed softly against the shore. The day was perfect, and couldn't have been better. He swam out a little farther and relaxed in the ocean,...
The black and the gold
**The black and the gold** By Strega When the guardsman burst in through the tavern door, sweat running down his face and naked panic in his eyes, Richard knew what the man was going to say. He'd seen looks like that before. One or twice he'd had a...
Willing Squirrel Snack
randomfox12245: The vulpine's ears twitched as he heard the knock at the door, smiling to himself as he rushed to answer it. In defiance of the more outgoing stereotype his species had attached to it, this foxy was pretty agoraphobic, so attending to...
bladepew short story (vore)
It contains wiling and unwilling vore, soft vore to be exact. reader discretion is advised. this story is based on real life. the vore is not now let the belly stuffing begin...
The Lost of the Marshes – Summary (WITH SPOILERS!)
The Lost of the Marshes - Summary (WITH SPOILERS!) • Chapter 1 - Found: Quince, a genderless cat who cannot speak, separates from their taller scavenging partner Nikili, a male mongoose, in the Hamora Marshes. The cat finds a giant mute dark-blue...
Whim - The Pieces We Are
You are welcome within me. Just imagine... your body becoming a part of my breasts, your form no more than milk, your soul linked to mine as you feel boy after boy arrive and drink deeply from my flesh, your entire being filling with the joy of...