Brith by Sleep

There are many things in this world that make people stop and think. Most of these things happen in everyday life, though most are too preoccupied with what they're doing to pay attention long enough to see them. A finite amount of these occurrences or...

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TWO WEEKS LATER "Are you sure this is where he lives, Amber?" I asked her in a skeptical voice as I stared at the music store named "Paradise Records". I looked at the arctic vixen, who chose to wear something reminiscent of Geno's style of...

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Chapter 13: The End...

I slept peacefully for the first time in so many weeks. I was actually crying when I woke up, the joy of having rid myself of the thing' that had been haunting my nightmares for so long had me in a sort of daze. It made me skeptical about what was real...

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Chapter 12: Choices

I woke up with a horrible headache and found myself staring up at the gray steel ceiling of a ship hanger bay. I sat up and put a paw to my head with a grown as I took in my surroundings, wondering if I had always been on a ship and dreamt up the...

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Michael's Angel

It was dark in the testing facility far below my office, though I wouldn't be surprised if everyone one of my 'experiments' could see perfectly. I stuck a cigarette in my mouth and cupped my paw to keep the lighter's flame from being blown out from the...

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Chapter 10: Seperation and Capture

"I hate the Saurian jungles!" Bella muttered for the umpteenth time as she hacked through another vine that had ensnared her. I kept my eyes ahead of me and stifled a laugh while I looked around for any trace of life in the walls of greenery all...

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Chapter 9: Revelations

I sat in the darkness of my room, the door locked with a sign plastered to the front that read: **_Please keep out. Stay away for your own safety._** After the incident with Falco, I deemed it necessary for me to leave the Great Fox for the safety of...

Chapter 8: Birthday R&R

_ _ I was lying in a field with bees buzzing around and birds chirping in the distance, the sky painted a clear blue with the occasional wisp of a cloud as it passed by. I breathed in the scent of wildflowers and let it...

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Chapter 7: Escape

I flopped down onto the bed exhaustedly, my mouth filled with the taste of Alexander's cum from his latest want. I hated being wrapped around his finger like that, but for some reason, my body didn't want to displease him. I groaned in pain as the...

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Chapter 6: Boderlands

I was startled when the howling wind stopped whipping around me and I actually felt ground beneath me, well, loose sandy ground anyway. The bright light was still there and it beat against my eyelids as if it were trying to burn them. I lay there, my...

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Chapter 5: Happy Thoughts

There were people laughing and cheering, but I couldn't see past the crowd to find out why. I shoved past a few spectating wolves and continued till I finally pushed out into the middle of the throng, shocked at what I was seeing. A few feet ahead of...

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Chapter 4: Infection and Lives

It felt as if I were floating in a pool, the waves lapping at my body as if to caress me like a giant blanket. I loved this feeling, of being able to just let go of myself and not have to worry about pain or hurt or sorrow or anything that could hurt...

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