[11] Log #3508-A - The Bitterness of Guilt

LOG EXTRACTION: #3508-A DATE: 230:10:13012[DRL] TIME: Z-10 X-32 SUBJECT: The Bitterness of Guilt NOTE: Source was a heavily encrypted audio log. The original could not be reconstructed perfectly. However, was able to extract words and key...

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[9] Log #3506 - Something Wicked...

LOG EXTRACTION: #3506 DATE: 230:10:13000[DRL] TIME: Z-0 X-22 SUBJECT: Something Wicked... I...guess I'm not sure how to really and truly describe what I had just witnessed minutes before but...I will certainly try. AC was just chatting with...

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[8] Log #3504 - A New Beginning for Mankind

LOG EXTRACTION: #3504 DATE: 230:08:12004[DRL] TIME: Z-98 X-17 SUBJECT: A New Beginning for Mankind I have managed to get things back in order here at our new destination. Needless to say, our attempt at getting to this new world has been a...

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[7] Log #3501 - New Earth

LOG EXTRACTION: #3501 DATE: 222:24:15223[DRL] TIME: Z-120 X-15 SUBJECT: New Earth I awoke, slowly opening my eyes to a brightness that flooded my vision. Soon after, the sounds of rustling wind and voices filled my head. My mind swam in...

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[6] Log #3500 - The Great War

LOG EXTRACTION: #3500 DATE: 222:24:15223[DRL] TIME: Z-111 X-15 SUBJECT: The Great War My name is...well, I've always been called Arctic-Cat. Don't remember where I got the name. Anyway...I'm keeping a log of my discoveries and thoughts in...

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[5] EOP Profile - Arctic-Cat

LOG EXTRACTION: #3500-P DATE: 238:22:12902[DRL] TIME: Z-100 X-11 SUBJECT: EOP Personal Profile on "Arctic-Cat" Name: Unknown Alias: Arctic-Cat ID: XE-023-7221 Gender: Male DOB: Unknown Race: Caucasian (by observation) Height: 5' 11"...

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[4] Personal Log #1

I had a dream the first night I slept...I dreamed of rage...my vision filled with blood and hatred. Everything had to be destroyed, everyone had to die. I could smell the sweet scents of destruction and death as anything that stood in my way were...

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[3] Log #3498 - Project DALAF's roots

LOG EXTRACTION: #3498 DATE: 122:30:12855[DRL] TIME: Z-001 X-22 SUBJECT: Expanding our ideas... Our race has been around since time immemorial. We have learned much, seen much, and have done much. Though, I believe it is time to help those...

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[2] Log #3495-D - Foiled Plans

LOG EXTRACTION: #3495-D DATE: 159:08:12880[DRL] TIME: Z-001 X-52 SUBJECT: DALAF has hit disaster... Our project has...failed. I am not even fully sure what happened. All I know is our best are out there right now trying to contain our...

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[1] Log #3490-A - The beginning

LOG EXTRACTION: #3490-A DATE: 159:04:12880[DRL] TIME: Z-010 X-58 SUBJECT: Project DALAF as headed by Zula'thrawlogwa Tythra'mawdoxenenladine I am recording this log in hopes that someone will realize how right I am. They ignore me, cast me aside,...

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