Second Chances: Chapter 12

Hey guys... sorry it's been such a long time, I've just been SUPER busy with RL... RL sucks sometimes lol. Well here's chapter 12, let me know what you think...

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Little Talks Chapter 2

Little Talks Chapter 2: Just Hold my Hand Silent tears. I've cried a lot of them over the years. Not that normal crying is good. Still I would prefer it over salt ridden books, with no babbling of any kind. It's almost not a natural way to cry,...

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So... It's been a while... a LONG while. But I find it hard to write about Rose and Luke now adays so heres one of the shorts I've been writing... If you guys want I can post the rest of them but be warned they're SHORTS... so I guess what I mean to...

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Little Talks Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Creaky Stairs and the Things That Keep Me Awake Nothing ever seems to go my way; especially when it involves my parents. I just can't win, plain and simple, and I'm just sick and tired of it. When I play their game the rules are...

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Second Chances : Chapter 3

Author's note - So here's chapter 3. I want to thank everyone for their favorites/watches/votes and especially for the comments :). I feel this one is a little slow but don't worry as the next one should pick up quite a bit. As always...

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Second Chances: Chapter 2

Author's note - I figured while I'm awake I migt as well post chapter 2 since I may not get the chance for a while. I hope you enjoy and as always please comment and vote, it means alot to me and it helps me improve my writing for all's...

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Second Chances : Chapter 4

Author's note - I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and comments. I tried to go slower writing this one and forced myself to slow down my proof-reading, let me know if it helped. Also I was kind of curious about what you guys...

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Second Chances : Chapter 5

Authors note - So I had originally planned this to be my happy chapter but, I felt this was necissary before I moved onto the more lighthearted stuff. As always I wanna say thanks to all of those who fav/rate/watch and a special thanks to all...

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Second Chances : Chapter 7

Author's Note - I just wanted to thank Sam softpaw for editing this chapter too :). Also, I am worried about the endings to my chapters being too repetitive so I'm asking you guys to comment on how you think my endings are and if your getting...

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