Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 3

**EXODUS - Chapter 3** The Gungans were here first. Human pioneers--colonists, really--scouted Naboo centuries ago in search of a source of plasma, something with which this planet was teeming. I won't bore you with the details of how plasma is an...

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Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 2

**EXODUS - Chapter 2** All around me was the braying, stampeding wildlife not wise enough to have fled before the Droid army's morning commute. My arms swung limp at my sides as the rage in me seared my core. I thought I would throw up what little I...

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Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 1

Everything you've been told was a lie. Well, damn near everything. For one thing, my people don't talk like Sy Snootles after an all-night spice jag. Here's the thing about totalitarian dictatorial empires: _They_control the _information_. It's a big...

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My Awkward "Hopes and Dreams" Lyrics

Hopes and dreams, Born from stars. Light that carries From afar. Do days gone by Bring a tear Or a glimmer To your eye? I know you'd Hold my hand If you'd only Understand Life was never ours to take It's a gift...


My Immortal

**"My Immortal"** **By Terry Echoes** "What is taking you so long?" I was strapped to the table, the cold, hard surface jabbing into my shoulder blades. Taut, wide straps pinned down my bare green arms and chest, as well as my hips, offering me...

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"Cul-de-Sac" By Terry Echoes Zeke Pulanski admired himself in the mirror. Yeah. This Halloween, he was good enough to eat. He flexed a bicep and kissed it, then rolled his abdomen. Truth be told, it wasn't much in the way of a six-pack, but Zeke's...

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Bored Meeting

**"Bored Meeting"** **By Terry Echoes** At least twenty years had passed since Calvin Phosphene had been a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed recent college grad excited for his life to be given an opportunity with Wellerbeans Ltd. Inc. Co. He did not...

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Put Me in the Trash

" **Put Me in the Trash"** **by Terry Echoes** There were a few nice new products on sale at Klyder's Department Store that quarter, but the lime jello marshmallow cottage cheese surprise was not one of them. Clyde Igglesby wanted to retch at the...


Long Live the Witch

" **Long Live the Witch"** **By Terry Echoes** The wind died down, as if it, too, was listening to Hannah's impassioned words. "This is an old woman who needs our help! Sometimes the biggest danger someone can face isn't horrific and sudden...


Horfie, the Selective Service Elf

March 13, 1883. London, De-Militarized Zone. Santa Claus looked at his coal-powered wrist watch. It was just after midnight. A new day was on the horizon, but a grim, sooty future lay ahead. He preemptively nocked an arrow to his bow and let fly a...

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Wienners' FACTION - English Retranslation

FACTION, FACTION: It's an abstraction; enigmatic FACTION LIFE. FACTION LIFE: Mysterious, strange, and odd, and confusing us. When I reveal what is behind, my mind perceives unknown material. It's a FACTION, FACTION versus what is...

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The Deadliest Sin

1 Jamie LeBrau hadn't been to church since he was 15. Social studies was far from being his favorite class, and his teacher, Mrs. Wimbledon, a middle-aged woman with Marge Simpson hair, was a huge fan of oral reports done in front of the class. She...

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