Spirit Bound spin off Chapter 6: Torture

As the group ran outside to look where Natsu was, they found him by the front yard pool. He was on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. His own collar was on his neck but it didn't look to be hurting him. He looked up and mouthed ' Thank you...

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Spirit Bound Chapter 5: The Mr. and Mrs.

"How much is the garbage worth to you hmm?" The male voice rang out in the darkness. in Nathaniel jolted awake. Even Natsu was was shaken awake by the reverberated voice, thus causing him more pain. " Yesh how much. How much. \* giggle\*\*hiccup\*" the...

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Spirit Bound Spin Off chapter 4: Near Miss?

" WHAT. They beat you in school and no one notices?How. The security cameras would of picked it up" Nathaniel roared. The fur flinched at this sudden outburst. "They have special magic that can manipulate objects or summon special spirits. They ca-"...

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Spirit Bound Spin Off: The roomate Chapter 3

" How do you know. Who,what I am." Liam said. " I can here them all of your life in your head and in your soul" The Fur stood up and faced Geoff. "I am deeply sorry. Geoff, I must thank you for what you have done. I cannot repay you in any way." The...

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Spirit Bound Spin Off: The Fur chapter 2

As Geoff lifted the Fur off of the floor the chain retracted into the Fur's hand almost as if it had a mind of its own. As Geoff lifted him to go to the nurse Liam stopped him and assesed the burns.He lifted the wife beater up to see there was further...


Spirit Bound Spin Off: The Choker chapter 1

As Faelen, Natnenial, Geoff, And Liam were heading to their usual spot in the cafeteria for lunch they saw a rather odd Fur. He had looked like someon who feared for this life. He had grey fur that looked plush like a wolf's puppy fur but it as...

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Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 14: Fight Between Lovers

Followed by Liam and Geoff, Nathanial immediately rushed to downstairs. There they found a surprising scene. Faelen was on the ground next to Natsu. But Natsu had his chain and collar out. And it was around Faelen's neck. And it was on fire. But...

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