Anima Chapter 19

7 AM I climbed out of my bed, standing and stretching for the last time in this room. I didn't have many personal belongings in my room. Most of everything would be given back to my mother in the coming days. Everything else would be collected and...

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Donum Solis Simul

Birds chirped, and leaves rustled as the sun slowly rose from the horizon. The cool air began to heat from its light slowly. The sounds of the forest only got louder, as if the entire world was waking up. The soft grass made for a decent bed to...

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Donum Solis: A Gryphon TF

"Only an hour until my shift is over!" I shouted to my coworker, Cameron. "Lucky you, Jackson. I picked up an extra shift and wished I didn't," Cameron said, putting on his green vest, "you have any plans tonight?" He asked, tossing a bottle of...

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Anima: The Zoo Intern Chapter 4

"Audrey?" Howard called out my name. Turning to look, I saw him quickly getting dressed. As he frantically buttoned his shirt, I looked down at my fur-covered body. My chest was flattened and covered in reddish-brown hairs. I couldn't help but have a...


Anima: The Zoo Intern Chapter 3

The joey meandered about the office while Howard and I worked on prepping for the end of the day. No matter how hard I tried to distract myself from it, I kept wanting to check on the little guy. He would go silent for minutes, and I would be urged to...

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Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 6

Russel spoke of the bear as if it was its own living thing. I could see why. The little voice... not even a voice, but a thought in my head would seem like it was trying to influence me. For example, I never liked fish. Something about it was nasty to...

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Anima: The Zoo Intern Chapter 2

As I walked into work the next day, I was surprised to find Howard had not arrived yet. At least his coat was missing from the rack. I hung my jacket next to where his usually was placed and walked closer to our window to the Kangaroos. Inside I could...


Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 5

Hunching behind Russel, I peeked around his right hip to see the brown bear approaching. It didn't seem angry, just slowly walking toward us. Once it was about thirty feet out, it seemed to stop. Standing, waiting, unmoving. "What is it doing?"...

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Anima: The Zoo Intern

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo can be mistaken for the largest Kangaroo species due to its inaccurate naming. Macropus giganteus refers to the roo as gigantic when it is smaller than the Red Kangaroo. Up until five months ago, I had never known this....

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Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 4

"Russel!" The half-man-half bear only panted and let out a series of grunts. He began to step closer, falling forward onto his hands- paws. as his paws made contact with the ground, a loud pop echoed through the room. He continued slowly approaching...

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Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 3

Being honest with Russel about what had happened on the boat was difficult. It's hard telling your friend that you thought they would harm you, but THE SITUATION WAS made worse by how you had to stop it. At first, Russel thought I was making stuff up,...

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