Underground Escapade

_2008 Gren Drake_ In a cave beneath the ruin of what might have once been a church, a woman sat on a damp rock beneath the glow of phosphorescent fungi. The glowing fungi seemed omnipresent, something she was grateful for, since the small...

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Grooming Session

_© 2007 Gren Drake_ Va Mawtne watched as the attendants from the hospital helped her husband into the cab; they then climbed in themselves as the cab began to roll away. She continued watching from the porch of their low-level cliffside apartment...

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Meeting One Val Salr: A Forest Encounter

It was good to get away from the city; to see the plants and the animals in all their natural splendor. For the next couple of weeks he'd be free of the daily grind that seemed to clutch at his very soul. The last day before his vacation had been the...


Meeting One Val Salr: A Tale of Ruins

When Jason woke the following morning, Val Salr was still asleep. More than that, she was sleeping pressed against him; not entirely the most comforting thought since she was almost twice his size. Squirming carefully, Jason got himself out from...


Meeting One Val Salr: Behind Open Doors

Although the temple had stood open to the elements since the city was abandoned, the structure was still intact. The long corridor that had been just inside the entrance lead into the distance, ending in a large room with a platform priests of any of...

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Meeting One Val Salr: The Answer to the Problem

Jason woke some time later, sore of body and throat, and he stretched, then looked around confused. He was in some kind of a stone room-how had he gotten here? Wait, there was a dragon and... Everything came back to him. He stood and looked over...


The Wedding

**The Wedding** 2011 Gren Drake _Va Mawtne arrives at her wedding prepared to meet her surprisingly upper class future husband, but she can't help but wonder why he's marrying someone so far below his social status. (6300 words)_ The dressing...

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**Frustration** _In which a security guard successfully masturbates an alien to climax._ 2011 Gren Drake Hanging in orbit around a dying star, the only object of any interest in the mostly barren system was Turli Station. It was not a popular...

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Vengeance Sought

_In which Felicia gets revenge on the one who betrayed her_ (This story is a sequel to my previous story 'Treasure Hunter', and is better read after reading that one)_. (7400 words)_ The vault was a large, octagonal room. A large pedestal occupied...

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Treasure Hunter

**A thief is distracted from her work by the animal that guards the treasure. (4600 words)** _Gren Drake, 2010 Thanks go to Guri and [Sekioh](%5C) for their advice regarding this story_ The male vulpine, one of the beastmen favoured by...

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Kory and the Great Homecoming

**Kory and the Great Homecoming** _2013 Gren Drake_ Day was fading into evening when Kory and Angela reached his home village of Baden. He had started to recognize the area long before that and the sight of familiar buildings, unchanged from the...

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Kory and the Unbound Demon

**Kory and the Unbound Demon** _2013 Gren Drake_ Vincent led them straight into the forest, travelling in what seemed to be a straight line. Well, mostly straight; occasionally he detoured to the side to avoid an obstacle. It was clear, however,...

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