Just a very strange date

Just a very strange date By Jackmink Large colossal sized paws stepped lightly against the floor. Each toe clenching the cement floor before pressing off again stomping forward. Soft pink pawpads pressed back against the ground as the other paw...

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What are friends for

What Are Friends For? By Jack the wolverine Kayleb couldn't help himself as he giggled staring up at his colossal sized friend. Though the pine martin always thought his friend was good looking before shrunk down as he was he could truly...

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The Gigantically lillputian Story

By Jackmink 18+ Casey had been through a lot in his life. But nothing quite like this. Not only was he naked with his friend sleeping a few feet away, but he had somehow shrunk. His previously worn boxers lay where his ass had slept only a few hours...

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Brotherly Love.

Brotherly Love By Jack the Wolverine "Alright, Matty." Joshua said turning the tv off. The otter stood up and gave a stretch as he looked over at his kid brother. "It's late. You need to get to bed. Got school tomorrow." "Oh, come on! Please! Just...

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Macro Mischief - Nuts to be you

Macro Mischief - Nuts To Be You By Jack the Wolverine Big Dan ignored the sirens blaring and cars speed around his monstrous paws as he made his way through the city. It was cold and only getting colder. The last leaves of fall were beginning...

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