Norn Engineering - Part 2

"Ngh!", the engineer groaned in relief as his coat was blasted open under the sheer force of his chest, the other men's eyes almost popping out of their sockets, their jaws almost hitting the floor as they saw those gargantuan breasts burst free with...

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Norn Engineering - Part 1

Tonrek beamed as he looked up at the bright mid-morning sun that was hanging high above the city of Divinity's Reach. The two guards nodded to him and allowed him a meeting with the queen and the leader of the Seraph. He headed inside, the door...

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Down in Dustwallow

Dustwallow Marsh was a dank and eerie place in eastern Kalimdor. It was anyone's guess how a goblin outpost had survived this long there, but it had, and was equipped with the best, and only tavern in the area. Given it's location, there were rarely...

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First Impressions

The sun was high in the Valley of Four Winds and a cool breeze blew gently across the land. Two men were plodding along one of the main paths, a human and a dwarf. The human was of average height, with short light-brown hair, his skin lightly tanned...

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Scott panted and wheezed as he caught his breath, he'd finally made it to the large troll village. The slim, athletically-built human rogue had been tasked with retrieving an enchanted, semi-precious gemstone that the trolls in the village had recently...

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Beyond the Training Grounds

Relys just stared forward at his master, that pinnacle of manliness that he had lusted after for so long was now before him, completely shirtless and grinning down at the much smaller man. The titan's heavy training showed in the beads of sweat that...

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Bruno and Bradley

The car drove away and here they were, standing before the house they would call home for the next two years. Bruno turned to his younger brother, craning his head up to get sight of his face. His brother, Bradley, was an immense size; a combination of...

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Summer Holidays - AU

It was a perfect day in Tanaris, the sun shone down onto the sand, keeping it warm and making it almost glow. It was no surprise Ravange and Cistel had decided on it as their holiday destination. "Are we nearly there?", the troll asked, the perky...

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Summer Holidays - Part 4

| | | With all the excitement being had by the various men, no one noticed the sound of heavy, armoured footsteps coming from the tunnel which served as the strand's entrance. It would seem there was another who had been lucky enough to find their...

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Summer Holidays - Part 3

Jhunya was walking along the beach, now sporting a pair of baggy, dark blue trunks, though his overly-generous endowments still showed a prominent bulge in them. He was beaming to himself, loving just being there on a golden beach with rather hunky...

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Summer Holidays - Part 2

Meanwhile, back down at the end of the beach, the other men were quite happily relaxing. Zixxle had found himself the perfect sunbathing spot, conveniently located between Tidelo, the muscular night elf, and Zintaak, the towering draenei. Besides...

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Summer Holidays - Part 1

The beach was quiet, though the faint sound of chatter could be heard from the tunnel. As the sound got louder, it was obvious it was two men, and sure enough, a few moments later, two human males emerged from the mouth of the tunnel. "I told you it...

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