Wishful Thinking, Chapter 4.

Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo, but Emerald is copyright my friend Emerald Wolfe, used with her permission; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me...

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Wishful Thinking, Chapter 3.

Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me in an e-mail or something. If you actually read this, you get a taco. ...

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Wishful Thinking, Chapter 2.

Okay, reposting this. Apparently I C+Ped Chapter one over when I tried to submit. Yeesh, I need to stop coming online when partially drunk. Anywhoo, here's the real chapter 2. I hope. Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright...

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Hungry Like The Wolf.

Right, so I wrote this as my first real story coming into the furry community. It was back in 2005 or 2006, I think the latter. Conn got the first request on a topic I'd posted that I was taking story requests. After a while of talking, we came up with...

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