Summer with Leomon: Truth and Forgiveness

Renamon quickly went to the kitchen and filled up a big bowl with water. She ran back and dumped it all over Ben's face. His eyes jolted open and Renamon put her hands to his side. Ben at first thought he woke up to find his normal mother...

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Summer with Leomon: Evil Agumon

Ben ran inside his apartment to find Grandpa sitting on his living room couch. Ben went and sat beside him. "I just contacted the police and..." Grandpa began to say until he noticed Ben was crying. "We'll find her Ben, don't worry." Ben hugged...

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Summer with Leomon: An Affair

Renamon stroked her son's hair as he lightly snored. She smiled and the sudden memory of her husband lying beside her as she stroked his hair appeared. It was time to forget about him and to start a new life with Ben. Ben was her love now, not her...

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Summer with Leomon: Renamon

Ben was faced with two problems. One, Elecmon wanted to turn back into Leomon, but Ben had no idea how to make that happen. Two, his mom had lied to him for years about his father and treated him badly for the shit his father did. He hadn't told...

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Summer with Leomon: Rachel (Mother) Edited Version

Rachel woke up early to check up on her son... and also to go to work. Rachel worked as an editor for a newspaper. She had to usually go early and get started and then she would have to stay late to finish up final touches. She also did little jobs for...

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Summer with Leomon: Movie Night with Elecmon

Okay, in my new chapter I introduce a new digimon, Elecmon. I tried to describe him as best I could, but if you can't picture him well enough then look him up on the net and try to find a picture of him. Hope you enjoy this chapter. ...

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