Foresight and luck part 9: A good start to the morning

* * * Characters, story, and story line have come from my head please don't steal any of it. When I use characters that aren't mine I ask first then give recognition in my story that I borrowed a character. DISCLAIMER TYPE THINGER MAJIGER: You...

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Foresight and friendship part 1: A wolf's start

* * * Characters and story is mine. If I have a character that isn't mine I get consent first from the owner. Plese don't steal this story or it's characters. If you ask I'm probably going to allow re-use of the characters. Get this cubbies this...

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foresight and luck part 8: Unlikely outcoming

* * * I failed to mention earlier: All characters are mine, Ayden, Zeke, Jordan, etc..., when I use someone else's character I ask permission and tell you I use their charcter, don't steal get permission first please. Avalar isn't mine, He is...

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Foresight and Luck Part 11: Optimism

It's been so long let's see if I can still salvage my watchers as well as this story. This is a really short story because in the process of writing this I felt that I was forcing myself to write too much and it may have affected the story. ...

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