My Personal Star Part 1

Valin could feel their eyes on him while he lifted the bottle to his lips. He didn't normally come to these things, but he owed the guy a favor and figured that it would be an interesting break from the normal week to drink a few beers and get stared...

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Character list

Valin Drasl White wolf with black markings leading from around his ears to the corners of his eyes. Athletic build with a slightly more muscular arm set. Two partial circles on his collar bones with thick lines going to his shoulders and down the back...

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My Personal Star Part 5

Valin woke up and slipped into a pair of shorts, stretching and scratching his belly. He saw the empty mess of a bed that belonged to Caleb and shook his head, walking out into the kitchen and pulling a jug of OJ out of the fridge and taking a swig....

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