Red and Blake Ch. 7

The walk home is usually uneventful and quiet but this time I felt myself not relaxing to the sound of my music pouring from my ear buds but the feel of my heart pounding in my chest to the images of a certain Doberman and the piece of paper in my...

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I'm Just A Laundress Ch. 4

10:30 A.M. Taylor tossed then turned on his side brushing something furry and hard. The tabby could feel something heavy on his waist, groaning the male's eyes slowly fluttered open to a brush light making him groan louder and shook his head. ...

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I'm Just A Laundress Ch. 2

Two weeks later... For the past two weeks Taylor felt as if he and Justin had been playing a game. The wolf would come in, flirt, then establish some kind of physical contact with the young male, usually his paw being held firmly in the other or a...

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I'm Just A Laundress Ch.1

It was a hot summer day, a day no one would even want to look at a laundry mat during the daylight. Taylor was folding towels for a customer while listening to Disturbed from his iHome. The usual music bored him to tears so being alone gave him a...

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I'm Just A Laundress Ch. 3

It has been a month since that faithful day since Justin saved Taylor from the two street punks. The wolf kept his word and was at the mat every day to not only look after Taylor but earn the money to fix the hole in the wall he indirectly caused which...

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