A Tease Too Far

She's at it again, the little bitch. I guess it's my own fault, wearing relatively loose cargo shorts, but I mean it's summer and it's humid here in Slateport so why wouldn't I? The answer, my friend, is Carmen. Carmen is why I...

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Ride On The Rails

Ride On The Rails By Tony Greyfox "Wow. That hot dog was perhaps the worst I've ever had." "This coming from a guy who will occasionally eat out of the garbage bin behind the neighbour's place... ow!" Erik smirked as he rubbed the...

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The Bargain

"What a beautiful, starry evening!' Indeed it was that - the sun was just disappearing beneath the far-off horizon, leaving the forest lit by moonlight and the sparkling light of thousands of stars that were shimmering into existence far above. ...

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First Match Back

First Match Back By Tony Greyfox It was late, and the area around the small arena was virtually dark as the kitsune, his three tails streaming behind him, stepped through the simple door, closing it behind him. The room inside slowly...

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Shower With A Friend

Shower With A Friend By Tony Greyfox The only problem with swimming for foxes is the drag created by several pounds of tailfur suddenly turning into a sponge, Derian thought as he sedately pushed off from the side of the leisure centre pool,...

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A Night With Friends

A Night With Friends By Tony Greyfox "Damn it, cat, leave my papers alone!" Glaring at the furry interloper that had landed smack in the midst of his study material, Colin waved a black paw towards the other room. Nikki looked up at him...

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Night Moves

Night Moves By Tony Greyfox "Ooh, cold floor!" Erik hopped a bit on the unfamiliar hallway tile as he made his way to the bathroom, thanking Colin and the balanced diet the raccoon forced on him for his night vision as he managed to get...

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Feet First

======== Another one... thanks to the people who've commented on my writing so far! THis one's pretty light, but it was fun... Feet First "Man, I really have to get this VCR fixed," Erik grumbled as he flicked through the...

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A Walk In The Park

======== Here's the latest from Erik and Colin... and a tip for the writers out there - when you've got writer's block, writing about someone who's got writer's block is a good way to get out of writer's block. Take my word for it. -- Tony ...

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Comfort By Tony Greyfox "Seeya, 'Tasha!" the raccoon called over his shoulder as he stepped onto the curb from the passenger's side of the car. The human waved amiably to him as the door closed. "Remember that test Monday, Colin!" the...

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Auction Night

Auction Night By Tony Greyfox "I don't believe you talked me into doing this, Colin." Erik glowered at his partner, who was grinning hugely at the skunk and holding a card with a long string on it. "Oh, I don't know, Erik, it's for a...

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Study Session

Study Session By Tony Greyfox * * * Books. Hundreds of them. Thousands, even. Scattered across the expanses of the library's main room, up the walls, across the shelves, along the stacks... everywhere. Erik stood in the open space...

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