
"Behesht" When father died, I cleansed his remains and wrapped them in a sheet, then secured them in a sling I'd fashioned ahead of time. His thirty-five-kilogram corpse strapped to my back, I made the long climb up the dusty steel ladder of the...

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Another Untitled Poem

Summer, season of hot insomnia, That much never seems to change at all. Laying awake in the red desert night, I shape woods from shadow and wait for fall. Ten years now gone, and who thought I would miss The songs of crickets, owls and katydids?...


Dirt Garden (poetry)

My garden of foxtails and milk-thistle, Alive and wild, more so than tended rows In growth, has died. I killed them a little, The crab-grass clumps, Datura and nettle. "Time and time, I commit these small murders, To whose benefit?" I ask why and...

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Untitled Poem

My flame low, frail as foam, We made a change of hateful acreage, Bitter course which I was bound To: trim the wick or quench the embers, Quick to cut the candle down And I would be your psychopomp And you would be my ward And I...
