prologue - A taste
After the muslim hordes took hold of it's lands, war between the west and east has no end in sight. "take this, holy blaster!"
Operation Midnight Sun Prologue - Collaboration!
Christians, jews, hindus, and followers of other religions in the islamic world suffered similar fates.
Rust Belt Tails II: And the Stars Look Down
Tempting though they were, abdul-aziz would stay in michigan building cars, living in flint's economically-disadvantaged muslim enclave.
Lemurian religions
islam and judaism islam most likely arrived during the indian era, and remains a relative minority in spite of its dominance in nearby asian countries.
Afrit/Afreet – The Captured Jinn
Afrit/afreet - the captured jinn by: tyvara a tribe of monstrous demons or djins found in muslim and arabic folklore.
They Come
In a form of a charming prince of the muslim dinaqid dynasty and a beggar christian girl, daughter of a once village hettman.
Watcher of the World, Speaker of Peace
Say if a muslim fixed our economy right now....fixed it up and ended world hunger....and then cured cancer but was still sent to hell simply because he was muslim....i would say to god are wrong shouldn't matter what god if any god
Half-Blood Chapter XXXIII
"if you are going to be acting as an advisor too muslim students i take it you are muslim yourself doctor?" the boy asked. lucas knew that jaidev was one of the few muslim students in the school.
Mulan: The Betrayal Of China
Cried an official raping a muslim child. "she's too whole!" cried a woman putting fruit bats and pangolins on her endometrium and having them tear through her anus. "she's not enough colona!"
Fight on Europe!
So yes im anti islamisation of europe (dont have anything against islam, many of my friends are muslims, but i dont want them to assimilate us). not only that but europe isnt what it use to be.
The illegals and the hatred!
I-i don't know how some muslim or even islamic leaders even came up with those fatwas, i mean-'' ''that's it!!! i had enough of your insolence and your lies! i now have a fatwa against you!!!
Baklava (A1, B2, C14)
That's 'islam: the religion of peace' for you." "well, the greeks were a christian nation, ruled by a muslim nation. just ... so you know. i know they let us stay christian, nathan."