Zion - Light of the New Moon, Reader Contribution, Pt 2

fayte: of all the magics, fayte is one of the most subtle. those users of fayte magic can use their knowledge of chance for influencing luck and creating or managing chaos. they can increase or decrease the effects of entropy.

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War of Revenge Chapter 2: Part 1

Captain fayte whispered. a long screeching and wailing sound off from the tree tops, causing everyone to glance up quickly.

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Immortima Fatix :: 2 :: The Serpentine Embrace

fayt," replied zelaine, her tone like that of sparkling, crisp wine and exotic lilt.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 3.2 Shrad

"shadow darkfang is a fayte wizard?" majh inquired, rubbing her muzzle thoughtfully, "intriguing..." and she chuckled quietly. "more to worry about right now than fayte magic, my dear."

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Angels & Demons (a Valkryie story)

Umbrea was the reason faytes in ruins." sara said in her mind. "everyone get behind me this magic is strong maybe strong enough to get rid of umbrea". sara said.

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fayte told us that our family would produce a female that would become fayte's hand and repair the damage. mending the fractures and making the worlds one again." memew had rolled back and was floating somewhat upside-down.

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Receiving the pen

fayte had single-handedly created everything." the elder feline spoke as memew worked her jaw in a mocking way. the interior of the temple was quite ornate, however it was devoid of signs of worship.

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angels and demons chapter 2

We used to live in the place called angels paridine well before fuse took over and made it the precipice and what used to be the elementary - high school's is now hero's hollow, but now we live in fayte its pronounced as fate though oh well whatchya going

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 3.3 Myrh

I'd seen fayte magic in effect before... or, rather, i'd seen the effects of fayte magic before. it's subtlety makes it difficult to track, but the results are usually obvious if you know what to look for.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Shrad's Post Milestone

The hyena nodded calmly, "it's called fayte magic." he acknowledged, offering helpfully.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Shrad's Milestone 1b

"it is called fayte magic..." tollie explained, kneeling down next to the draconid's head, just out of striking range but within view of its eye, "i already told you that i was not going to die today... i've seen it."

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A Shifters Tale

"heh,heh, your ability to gather information never ceases to amaze farrith, indeed i did have a cub however nari is noticably absent for your fayt tonight for some reason" "and your mate? where is she?" ferrith asked.
