"The Thin Line," Part OO

We were almost given away by a nervous, high-strung ant, which began to gronk and click its mandibles in our direction.

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"The Thin Line," Part CC

The squaddies, having just finished the general clean-up, watched slack-jawed as the buckboard came wobbling down the street, the ant in harness clicking and gronking in protest.

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The Princess & the Frog, A Warped Fairy Tale

"sorry," the frog said, "got a little carried away; gronk, you're a great kisser!"

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"The Thin Line," Part LL

He might have stayed, save for the frantic and loud gronking of the ants still quartered in the hamlet.

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"The Thin Line," Part G

The ants, with soft gronking, quickly scented the treats and seized them with their mandibles, the trooper moving his paw aside just in time so as not to have it crushed.

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"The Thin Line," Part K

Which is rather like playing with toy battle-ants, only his are much bigger and make louder gronking sounds. as i said, they're old cronies, greenleaf and twelveoaks."

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