And Escape His Nightmare 4 - Beyond a Carnival of Dreams
_not even gruthar?_ "i...f-f-for fuck's sake kirie he's right there!"
Infant Mortality: a side-quest for Fallout: New Vegas
He speaks very highly of gruthar, the deathclaw who led them out of enclave imprisonment. after goris finishes recalling the events of the past, he shifts focus to the problems of the present.
Love Shall Win 4 - When We Become One
"heeeey gruthar!"
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 11 - The Past Echoed To Him
Heading east according to the compass he still kept from gruthar, he soon saw the subway entrance beckoning him to its depths.
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 16 - The Eagle Shall Fall
Slowly the darkness fell and he decided it was time to leave, pulling out the piece of paper gruthar had given him with the strange cursive note, far too perfect for the beast's hand to have wrote it.
I Hear A Sound 1 - In A Distant Universe
He even had similar eyes to gruthar except more slatted but the same pearl white without any sclera noticeable.
So Shall He Consume Me 7 - Whilst He Wept Bloody Tears
_ james couldn't help but smile at the last time he had honestly looked at it, softly clasping it between his fingers as he felt the renewed strengthened wire that gruthar had made personally for him.
My Sword, My Clan 02 - Our New Home
At least she smells better than gruthar did, hahaha...hmmmm...this ivalice place is pretty fun though, pretty old-school, lots of swords and sorcery stuff going on, i hear there's a mages' fair starting up in about a month so who knows, maybe i'll make
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 7 - They Walked Through Hellish Lands
The raptor pulled out gruthar's map, folding out as a sheet of paper that stretched out into 12x12 inches, seeing the route continued further on north and they currently stood in watseka.
Love Shall Win 1 - When You Come Back To Me
I almost fell into a really bad place, but then someone rescued me, this big creepy beast called gruthar who was really monstrous and terrifying but actually was really sweet.
My Sword, My Clan 29 - My Destination
Darryl, jerry, diana, gruthar um...yeah like all these friends i had like alestes, sophelie...monty...the lemming guys fuck what were their there was one or two, i think twin-sen?