Harbinger, Chapter 4
"after bulkhead was shot in the back by an insecticon, she killed the one who did it _and_ four of his buddies." "_and_ blew a huge, gaping hole in the side of the _nemesis_ at the same time," jack added.
Harbinger, Chapter 2
"hey, you're talking to the girl who blew up five insecticons." she winked at him. "and i'm not alone. i'll be fine." he nodded, turned, and disappeared down the tunnel. miko watched him leave, waited a few seconds, and the ground bridge activated.
Harbinger, Chapter 1
Not surprising, given the kind of damage miko did when she blew up those five insecticons._ a small window appeared in the lower corner--a log indicating the discovery of a wi-fi network, link-up, and downloading of language files.
Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 5
Five insecticons in one shot." miko shrugged. "doesn't change what happened to bulkhead." "no, it doesn't, but at least the one who did it will never harm anyone again." "guess you're right." miko shrugged again.
Harbinger, Chapter 8
I finally managed to convince her that what unicron did to those insecticons she immobilized wasn't her fault." arcee grinned. "right now, bumblebee, raf, and miko are keeping her occupied." "got her playing _gta v_ again?" "yep.
Jack's Girls - Chapter 1: Pink Energon and an Amorous Miko
I'm not a scientist like he is, but i can tell you it has something to do with controlling the insecticons. i don't know the rest of the details, all i know is that it can lead to us having an advantage over megatron for once.
Jack's Girls - Chapter 5: Dinner for Two
Turns out it is a new type of energon that he thinks will give the bots some rudimentary control over the insecticons, so they can get them away from megatron. turns out it uses some kind of pheromones, or something.