Jack's Girls - Chapter 5: Dinner for Two

Story by TheLoneOne on SoFurry

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#5 of Jack's Girls (Transformers Prime fanfiction)

5 in the Jack's GIrls story.

Jack's Girls

Chapter 5: Dinner for Two.

By: TheLoneOne.

Dislcaimer: Not mine, not making any money (sadly). Warning, this chapter contains incest. If that's not your thing, stop reading now, otherwise, carry on.

Long AN: Ok, time for a MASSIVE apology, I know I've spent a long time trying to work on this chapter, and I'm so terribly sorry I took so long, but I had mostly good reasons. Namely, I lost my grandmother last July, and that pretty much slammed the brakes on ANY creativity I had going at the time, for ANYTHING. It took several months to get back into the swing of writing for me to carry on with this. I was also struggling with it, eventually, a friend on steam helped me out with some of it, then, recently, I acquired a beta/co-author in the form of Redknight95, who has been a MASSIVE help, and without him, I might never have got this thing finished, so thanks dude! I know I said at the end of the last chapter there was going to be a 3way, but that is now going to be in the next chapter, which should (hopefully) be finished faster than this one was, just don't quote me on that. After reviewing the original files Auuman sent me, and talking it over with Redknight, I realised that adding the 3-way on the end of this chapter wouldn't make good pacing, so it's been moved back a week in the story, besides, Jack needs some time to recover :P

Also, I got quite a lot of people asking me where the links to the previous chapters were following my last update, so I'll post the links to all of them below:

Chapter 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/422987

Chapter 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/425249

Chapter 3: https://www.sofurry.com/view/428259

Chapter 4: https://www.sofurry.com/view/637000

Now, on with the chapter.

June smiled as she leaned forward and kissed her son again, slipping her right hand into his pants, gently taking hold of his hard shaft through his boxers, she let out a little sigh as the heat in her hand caused her to shiver slightly. She then pulled back and smiled at him, her eyes aflame.

"There's a strict dress-code for dinner tonight. Birthday suits." She grinned, and then stepped back, letting Jack see her in all her naked glory.

For his part, poor Jack seemed on the verge of a stroke. When he had woken up that morning, he'd had no possible idea that the day would go as it had, that one comforting embrace would lead to this.

'I never knew she had such a wild side...' he thought as he looked at his mother, who had apparently taken her 'Naked Apron' comment from earlier, to an extreme, in the sense that she was not only completely naked, and clearly highly aroused, she also wasn't wearing an apron.

This, a part of him thought, was a tad risky, what with hot food, boiling hot water and metal around. The only things she was wearing were a pair of slippers.

So he stood there, drinking in her beauty, she'd let her hair out of its ponytail, her breasts were still as full and firm as he remembered, her nipples were already standing, hard and erect, he wondered if they'd been like that all day. His eyes drifted down to her stomach, and now he was beginning to appreciate just how well toned it was, she had some fat on her, but also a fair bit of muscle too. His eyes moved down and he felt his shaft strain against his shorts as he looked at his mother's labia. They were just as he remembered, full and puffy, her outer lips seemed a little darker than the rest of the surrounding skin, they were also wet.

He found himself licking his lips as he realized how wet she was, and at the top of her labia, he could clearly see her clitoris, standing proudly, it was dark pink, and he found himself suddenly filled with a strange desire to get down on his knees, pull her to him, and suck that little nub. He remembered having his face pressed against that pussy, remembered it's tangy, slightly musky, but also strangely sweet flavour, though he hadn't really taken the chance to study her clitoris earlier that day, he was going to make sure he did this time.

June turned and dropped the spoon back into the pan, which he now noticed was full of soup.

"We're having soup?" he asked. She nodded.

"Mhm. I figured a light dinner would be easier to cook like this, anything else and I'd actually_have_to wear an apron. Besides, I've got plans for desert."

"Uh...Ok." Jack paused as his mother turned back to him, and started pulling his shirt out of his pants.

"Never mind, I'll check the time after dinner. Now...let's get you naked, stud. From now on, there is a new dress code in this house: When it's just the two of us, no clothes. At. All." June replied as she lifted up her son's arms and pulled off his shirt, followed by the vest underneath, she leaned in for a quick kiss, before she dipped her head down and repeated the action to each of his nipples, before she quickly dropped to her knees, and started to work his pants and boxers down.

"Mmm..." she smiled as his hard shaft bobbed in front of her and she stuck out her tongue to lick the crown, which she quickly pulled into her mouth with her lips and started to suckle gently even as she removed the garments from her son's legs.

Leaning forward, she took him all the way to the back of her throat and sucked hard as she drew back, loving the taste. When his shaft popped out of her mouth, she stood and smiled at him.

"Just a quick appetizer." She said, before turning back to the stove and picking up the spoon again, and continued to stir.

Jack blinked as he started to recover from the impromptu, and very brief, blowjob he turned and looked at his clothes on the floor.

"Don't worry about those, I'll sort them out, since you'll be having a shower after dinner, I've already set out some clothes for you in your room when you go and get ready, for now, take a seat." June replied, humming to herself as she continued to stir, swaying her hips, knowing that Jack was ogling her backside, and loving every second of it.

'Why not? After all, he'll be fucking it before long if I have anything to say about it.' She thought.

Though she'd never been a fan of anal, the few times she'd tried it with her ex husband had been...ok. Not great, but not horrible either, she was secretly hoping Jack would be ok with the idea.

Besides, she had a kinky idea for desert...

As she poured out the chicken soup into two bowls, she then set one on the table in front of him and the other across from him, then turned and pulled some bread from one of the cupboards and a tub of butter from the fridge.

"Want some bread?" she asked, he nodded as he picked up a spoon and started to dig in.

A few moments later, they were both eating, while each of them had a glass of orange in front of them.

"So, anything happen today? I mean, after I left?" she asked.

Jack paused as he looked up from his soup, thinking back to earlier that afternoon, where Arcee had confronted him about what she'd seen in the park. And then the journey back to the base where in-route, they had been attacked, then after that, he and Arcee had that little Heart-to-Spark talk, and what that had almost led to.

'Thanks SO much Ratchet...' Jack mentally complained, before looking up at his mother.

"Yeah, uhm...I need to talk to you about that." He said, trying not to stare at his mother's C-cup breasts as they gently rose and fell as she breathed.

June looked at him quizzically, wondering what was wrong.

"Jack? What's wrong?" she asked, a little nervously, a cold tightness of fear started to build in her chest.

"Arcee...saw us...In the park."

June's eyes went wide as she felt her body go cold.

"WHAT!" She yelped. Dropping her spoon, images of what Jack's Autobot guardian might have seen going through her mind, visions of Arcee telling Optimus of what she saw, and him telling Agent Fowler, then visions of her being hauled in for questioning flashed through her thoughts and she started to sweat with panic.

"How...how much...did she see...?" June asked in a small voice, her chipper mood completely gone now.

Jack studied his mother's demeanour, a little concerned by the sudden fearful behaviour, and then realized it was perfectly understandable, and he wasn't sure how much he should say.

"Uh...she got there right as you finished getting undressed..." he trailed off. June put her elbows on the table and let her face fall into her hands.

"Oh...God..." she moaned, remembering clearly, what had happened after that.

'That means she saw EVERYTHING we...did...'

Now Jack was worried. He saw his mom's rising panic, and immediately rose from his seat and came round the table to pull her into a hug not caring that they were both naked. He wrapped his arms around her, and she him, he felt her burry her face in his neck and let out a strangled sob, heard her sniffle.

"Oh god...oh god...oh god..." June whimpered as she hugged her son for dear life.

Jack hugged her back, running one hand up and down her back while running the other through her hair.

"We're going to be ok mom." He whispered.

"How?" she asked, pulling back, her eyes wet with tears of worry. "Christ Jack, she SAW us having SEX! She'll tell Optimus, and he'll tell Fowler and then--" she was cut off by Jack placing a finger on her lips, making her look at him as he shook his head.

"She said she wouldn't tell anyone, because she knew that'd destroy our family and ruin her friendship with us, so don't worry, she isn't going to rat us out."

June blinked away the tears as she looked at him and sniffled.

"So, what happened...?" she asked.

'Might as well tell her about it, I'm sure she's been wondering what caused all this.' He thought.

"Well, she asked me what's been going on with me lately, why I've been...ya know..." he finished with an embarrassed smile while scratching the back of his head in that way he always did when he was nervous.

June nodded, feeling calmer now she knew she wasn't going to get arrested for child molestation and statutory rape of a minor.

'My Jack might only be 16, but he's NOT a minor anymore...' June thought. 'And it's not rape if there's consent on both sides.'

"I mentioned Miko, and well, she wasn't exactly thrilled by that, she asked me who I planned on seducing next, and I told her it wasn't like that..."

June raised an eyebrow while putting her hands on his waist, the soup forgotten for the moment.

"Last Monday Miko talked me into checking out something Ratchet was experimenting on. Turns out it is a new type of Energon that he thinks will give the Bots some rudimentary control over the Insecticons, so they can get them away from Megatron. Turns out it uses some kind of pheromones, or something. Anyway, we took a few looks at the cube, and then Miko decided to take a picture of it."

June tilted her head questioningly. Jack shrugged.

"It's Miko, she'll probably still have that phone in her hand at her funeral or something, anyway, after she took the picture, there was some kind of reaction in the cube." Jack paused to recall the memories of that day.

"What kind of reaction?" June asked worriedly, considering what had happened to Raphael a few months prior.

"It...surged, and I was hit by the discharge, I pushed Miko out of the way and took the full hit. Though I think, I was only out for a minute or two. I woke up on the couch and I seemed fine, about half an hour or so later Miko and I started playing a game, I guess what ever hit me started to affect her first, then we started flirting, and one thing led to another, and well..." Jack finished, and June smirked.

"You fucked like horny rabbits." She said, getting some of her usual humour back. Jack gulped.

"Uh, yeah, well, I touched the cube again yesterday morning at the base and well, got a second dose. I've thought about it over the past week and, I don't know whether I'm putting out some kind of radiation now or pheromones or something, but it seems every girl I've ever had some attraction to seems to be drawn to me now, and seems to be more...I don't know,frisky."

June blinked, as a thought struck her and she looked at her son seriously for a moment.

'Could this be the reason why we...' her mind went back to earlier in the park, she could have sworn she felt something as Jack touched and caressed her before they'd started their tryst, and even during it, she'd seen the love in his eyes, that had been genuine, the desire too.

'Girls he's had an attraction to...' that made sense with Sierra, he'd been chasing her for months now, and perhaps also made sense with Miko, but with her? Then she remembered something she'd heard once, about how young children sometimes developed crushes on one of their parents, they usually happened when the child was very young, if they happened at all, and were brief.

A part of her thought the idea that her son had once had a crush on her was cute, but then she wondered.

'What if the feelings were still there? What if the effects of this Pheromone Energon just brought them to the surface...' that did make sense, but it didn't explain her own reaction.

After all, she certainly hadn't had a crush on her son before today...'Maybe that's the Pheromone part, it induces feelings of desire and compatibility in those he's interested in...' but were the feelings genuine, and would that last once the effect of the Energon wore off?

'I guess we'll just have to wait and see, and just enjoy it in the meantime if it does.' Then she looked back at the table, at the barely touched bowls of Soup.

"Well, that does explain a few things, and I think we should both keep an eye open to see if this carries on after the effects wear off, and since you said you'd dosed yourself again, which I should clonk you on the head for, you know better, that was very dangerous Jackson Darby. It might last longer, so I think its best we just enjoy our new relationship while it lasts, right now, I guess we should finish this soup before it gets cold. Then we can try a couple of things I've been thinking about." She winked and gave him another kiss, pressing him against her, before letting him go back to his seat.

Fortunately, their soup hadn't gotten too cold, and they ate in relative silence.

Occasionally, Jack looked up at his mother and caught her smiling at him, every time she saw him look up; she'd sway her breasts a little, or rub the bread over her nipples, getting small drops of butter on them, before winking and lifting the breast to her waiting tongue.

Jack gulped as he felt his erection, which had faded during their talk, start to return in force, and soon, it was throbbing almost painfully.

June inwardly giggled at the flustered look on her son's face. _'Just wait 'til desert honey; I've got quite the surprise planned for you.'_She thought.

It didn't take them long to finish, and as June stood to clear the dishes away, she turned her back and wiggled her ass at him as she put the dishes in the sink, before turning to the freezer and pulling out a few bottles and a tub, putting them on the table, along with another spoon.

Jack raised an eyebrow as he saw what they were. "Whipped Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate sauce and Maple Syrup? I thought you were the health nut."

June smirked, "Usually, yes, but I decided I wanted to try something special for you."

"Oh?" he asked. She nodded.

"Mmhmm. I think you'll enjoy it, we both will. Stand up." She ordered.

Jack shrugged and got to his feet, she eyed his penis hungrily, and she struggled to suppress a chuckle as her stomach let out another growl. Turning to regard the items she'd just put on the table, she grabbed the tub of ice cream and pulled the lid off, it was a brand new tub, so it was full. Taking the spoon, she started digging in, then once she'd gotten a generous portion, she knelt in front of Jack and grinned up at him, taking his hard length in her other hand.

Almost immediately, Jack figured out what she was about to do.

"Uhm...what are you--Ah!" he yelped, as the cold frozen cream met the hot, slightly wet skin of his glans. June smiled as she dragged the large scoop of frozen cream down his shaft, leaving a generous coating behind. Once she'd reached the base, where her fingers were, she started again, this time on one side, then repeated on the left, then finally, a final time along the underside.

By the time she moved the spoon away, by the time she pulled her hand away, her son's shaft was covered in white, melting ice cream, with patches of skin starting to show through. She briefly considered covering his testicles, but figured he wouldn't appreciate that. However, she was surprised that he'd managed to stay hard while being touched by something so cold.

'Good staying power...' she thought. 'Maybe that's why I've reacted the way I have, he might be my son, but as far as my Phero-En-addled body is concerned, he's just a healthy, young and strong male, ripe for mating, and I recently finished ovulating. And he's the only readily accessible male in my life right now, so it makes sense my body would react the way it has.'

Looking up with a smile, and deciding to tease him a little, she leaned back and puffed up her chest, making her breasts rise a little, and she started drawing what was left of the ice-cream on the spoon over her right breast, starting with the nipple. Then, with Jack's wide eyes following it, she moved her hand to her left breast, soon leaving both her mounds coated in frozen, but rapidly melting, cream.

Looking up at him, she grinned and reached for the syrup next, popping the cap, she began to pour it over his ice-cream covered shaft, not particularly worried if any dropped on the floor, she'd clean it later. She briefly considered adding some to her breasts, but decided to leave that for the cream.

Satisfied that she had added enough, she eyed the improvised desert hungrily, before closing the cap, and putting the bottle back on the table. She looked up at her son, smiled and opened her mouth as wide as she could, and the head, followed by nearly half of the cream and syrup-coated shaft, vanished into her warm, loving mouth.

"Mmmm..." she purred, closing her eyes as she sucked, pressing her tongue and cheeks against him, her suction pulled off the cream as her tongue pressed his against the contoured roof of her mouth. She swallowed, savouring the taste of the desert in her mouth, before taking a deep breath and opening her lips to take in the rest of his organ, locking her lips round the base as she felt him enter her throat, and she swallowed again.

"Oh...fuck..." Jack gasped, ordinarily he'd never get away with language like that in the house, at least round his mother anyway, but he figured she didn't care right now.

'Not like she can scold me, anyway.' He thought.

June thought about chastising him, but then mentally shrugged, and pulled back, popping him out of her mouth then sticking her tongue out to lick the slit as she smiled and looked up at him. She then planted one last kiss on the tip and then stood up, kissing him, before pulling his head down to her breasts, offering her cream covered nipples.

"Sorry if I stopped in the middle of that honey, but, I don't want you to come just yet..." she purred, running her fingers through his hair, gently pressing his face against her left breast, sighing as she felt him suck her nipple clean.

As Jack hummed in pleasure and began caressing her mounds as he continued to lick the left one clean, then, he moved to her other breast and started licking again, while he felt her hand wrap around his wet shaft, and started to gently slide his crown through her lips, up and down her slit.

June moaned as she started to rock her hips back and forth, using his glans to massage her swollen, hard clitoris. She was so wet she could feel her juices flowing down her thighs and even down the length of flesh in her hand as she stroked him.

'I think he's just about ready...I know I am.' She thought, as she gently coaxed her son away from her breasts then kissed him lightly on the mouth, before gently pressing on his shoulders.

Taking the hint, Jack knelt before his mother and gazed lustfully at the smooth, glistening wet lips between her slightly spread legs, her hard clit clearly visible as it protruded through her swollen labia.

"Hold on baby, let me make it easier for you." She said, as she turned and sat in the seat he'd just occupied, making sure she was sat on the very edge, she leaned back and spread her legs apart, making sure he had as much room as possible.

Jack paused, remembering something he'd read in one of her medical books.

"Uhm...isn't it...ya know...a bad idea to put food in the vagina or something?" he asked nervously, after all, he didn't want to hurt her.

"It can lead to mild infections yes, at least if sugar is used, but since we'll be taking a shower together, I don't see any problem in doing this at least once, just to try it, ya know?"

Jack paused and thought about it, then shrugged. Taking a moment to admire the sheer beauty of the warm, smooth folds he'd kissed, and even been inside of, earlier that day, remembering the taste, and how wet it had gotten, and how_good_ it felt wrapped around him. He couldn't wait to feel that again, only this time; it would probably be a tighter fit.

Smiling, reached for the ice cream tub, looking up at her with an evil smirk.

June's eyes widened as she watched him grab the tub and open it, then scoop out ice cream with his bare fingers with one hand, while reaching up to stroke her labia with the other, and spreading them gently.

"N--Now wait a minute..." she stammered, as Jack paused, letting her labia close, and she briefly thought he was going to reconsider, only to let out a moan as she felt his warm breath on her lips, and his a second later, wrapping around her erect nub, gently sucking on it, pulling it out of her labia.

June sucked in a breath and gasped, closing her eyes and reflexively tilting her hips forward, pushing her crotch against Jack's face.

"Just a quick appetizer..." Jack chuckled to himself as he let go._'Mmm...Quite a tasty one too.'_He then pulled back and replaced his lips with the ice cream, as he applied it to her smooth, swollen lips and hard nub; he felt her jump as she shrieked.

"Yeow! Hey! That's cold!" she snapped, her eyes going wide as she looked down.

Jack shrugged. "You coated my dick, so I'm going to coat and fill your pussy."

"You better fill it with a lot more than ice-cream mister." She growled while smiling at him playfully, spreading her legs a little more for him.

"Oh, I intend to." He replied, as he finished 'painting' her vulva white, he reached for more ice cream.

Reaching out with his other hand, he gently spread her lips, feeling her jump in surprise as the cold dairy on his other hand came into contact with her inner flesh as he gently spread it over her entrance, starting at her clit and going down.

"Eeep!" she yelped, tilting her head back and sucking in a lungful through clenched teeth. "Fuuuck me that's_cold!_"

Jack grinned to himself as he started to push the ice cream into her vagina, before reaching for more. He felt his erection twitch at her words and he chuckled before looking up at her.

"Heh, guess this means I like dirty-talk." As he gently pushed some more vanilla into her, she looked down at him, panting slightly as she tried to ignore the numbing, almost painful chill filling her core. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow, he smiled, and gestured down to his lap, she smirked.

_'God, I hope the fucking I'm going to get warms me up, I hope I'll even be able to_feel _it.'_She thought.

Jack paused in his ministrations to look at his handy-work. His mother's vagina was now covered in ice cream. Nodding to himself he reached up and grabbed the whipped cream and chocolate sauce and syrup.

June looked down between her legs as she watched Jack open the bottle of chocolate sauce and start to pour it onto, and_into_ her vagina, wondering for a moment if he was going to use too much. She could feel the ice cream melting in her crotch, dripping down the checks of her ass onto the chair, and the floor, but she ignored it, she'd clean everything when she got back from dropping him off. She looked up to see Jack smiling at her.

"Now the only question is; which do I do first? Eat you or fill you with something else?" he asked.

"Eat me baby...Then you can fill me again. Eat me Jack...please..." the last word coming out as a pleading sigh.

Jack licked his lips as he looked at the veritable feast he'd turned his mother's core into, with a generous coating of chocolate sauce and whipped cream on her ice cream covered flesh, as well as several inches worth of ice cream, that was probably already well on its way to melting and further filling, her tight, hot passage.

Leaning forward, he started to lick.

The mixed combination of vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, maple syrup and the unique taste and smell of his mother's highly aroused vagina was a peculiar thing for Jack, and if he had to be honest with himself, he'd never tasted anything sweeter. Sure, Miko and Sierra had been sweet in their own young way, but there was just something about the way his mom tasted, mixed with these new flavours that just couldn't be matched.

Hearing a moaning sigh of pleasure, he looked up to see her head tilting back, her eyes closed as a look of pleasure passed over her face as he started to lick her lips in earnest. Then he felt her hook of her shins behind his head as he sealed his lips to hers and plunged his tongue into the tasty desert he'd fashioned for himself.

June reached down and started to run her fingers through his hair as she felt him probing and lapping with his tongue, making sure to lick everything. She felt her pussy pulse with need every time he licked her clitoris, which had become somewhat numb after the cold of the ice cream, but his hot mouth and tongue were welcome relief.

She started to rock her hips against his mouth when she felt his tongue start to dig into her passage, drawing out the half-melted cream, and what he couldn't reach, he literally sucked out of her, but she knew he wouldn't get it all.

'That's ok.' She thought 'The shower will get everything his tongue...or penis, can't.'

"Mmm...Oh..." she moaned as he redoubled his efforts to pleasure her, and she had to admit, either he was a quick learner, and had learned very fast this past week, or he had a natural talent for oral.

'Probably both...his father was also very good...' she thought to herself as she cradled her son's head in both hands, and started to gently pull him against her in tandem with her own rocking hips. "Mmm...that does feel...really good..."

She shuddered as she felt him start to hum against her slit, his upper lip vibrating against the base of her erect clitoris, which was throbbing with arousal. His nose pressed against it and she felt the rush of hot air as he breathed in and out, while his tongue danced over her pulsing entrance, occasionally moving to either side to lick her inner lips.

The cold numbness caused by the ice cream was now gone, and she could feel her climax start to build, but she didn't want to come with him licking her, not this time, no, she wanted him inside her for this one, though she secretly wondered how long he'd last, hopefully long enough to make it to the shower.

"Jack...honey...I want you...oh yes..._inside me...ugh..._please baby!" she whimpered as she felt the first contractions of her climax start, working desperately to hold it back.

Hearing her words, Jack pulled back, admiring the open and flushed flesh in front of him, swollen and pink with arousal, her inner lips and core so dark they were almost red, while her outer lips, which still had traces of sauce he'd missed, were a lighter shade.

As he stood to take the strain off his knees, he winced slightly, only to realize that, when he stood, he was too high, unless she wanted to suck him off again first. A thoughtful look crossed her face for a moment, then she smiled, stood up, then put her hands on the edge of the table, lifting herself up and back, until she was sitting on it, she then leaned back, making sure nothing was in the way, and spread her legs again, invitingly.

Jack smiled as he moved between her legs, taking a moment to admire her beautiful breasts as they rose and fell with each breath, her nipples still wet with faint traces of melted ice cream on them.

Reaching down, he started gently rubbing her labia, while one of her hands gently took hold of him, and she started to rub him back to full mast, occasionally running his glans up and down her lips, pressing it against her hard clit, before finally aiming it at her open, needy entrance.

"How do you want it? Slow and gentle like earlier in the park? Or a little more energetic?" he asked.

She smiled back at him, her face alight with love and need. "It's your choice baby, go as slow or as fast as you want, just don't be too rough ok? Now, stop talking, and put that in me, and give this horny lady what she needs..." she breathed.

Not being one to disobey his mother (not intentionally, anyway), Jack took hold of his shaft, thinking for a moment, he grabbed another small amount of ice cream and covered his tip with it, making sure it was melting before he placed it at the tight ring of muscle at her entrance, then slowly, gently, he pushed his way in.

"Oh...God..." he breathed as he sank all the way in, the extra lubrication provided by the ice cream was certainly helping, and she was definitely wet enough, and tight enough, though she seemed tighter than he remembered from earlier in the day.

'Wow...this feels...amazing...just like earlier. She's so_Tight! _And WARM!' he thought, as he watched his shaft slide, slowly, centimetre by centimetre, into the hot, wet vice.

"Ooooh yeah..." June moaned as she watched, her eyes fixed on the shaft that now filled her for the second time that day, then, he started to move. Deciding to help him along, she hooked her legs around his waist and pulled in tandem with his hips, hilting him each time, arching her back with need as her hard clit pressed against the base of his shaft.

Looking up, she met his loving gaze, smiled, and nodded, and he started to thrust in earnest, building to a steady pace, the kitchen soon filled with the sound of flesh meeting flesh as their hips met in a steady, age-old dance.

"Mm...That's it darling...Fuck you're Mom's tight hungry pussy. Mmm...ugh...oh yeah...fill me with that hard dick..." she purred as she felt him continue this steady rhythm for the next few minutes, before he began to build in tempo. The little amount of ice cream she'd watched him apply seemed to have done its job, as he was now gliding in and out of her with such ease, his shaft and her lips glistening with their combined juices and traces of white cream, she could feel his heavy sack slamming against her ass each time he hilted himself.

Deciding to explore a little, she reached down with a hand and very gently started to caress his testicles each time he hilted himself, though she made sure not to just grab them. She could feel their healthy weight and size, how tight the skin was; she could tell he wouldn't last much longer. She could also feel her own climax beginning to build within her, her inner walls clenching around the hard shaft within her as if she were afraid to let it go.

For his part, Jack could feel his climax building, all the teasing she'd done to him, the blowjob she'd started then stopped, the brief amount of breast play, and her dirty talking, coupled with the tightness of her clenching pussy was all having the desired effect. He could feel his own climax starting to build, and for a brief moment, he hoped that when the Phero-En wore off, they'd continue this new relationship, he didn't want it to end. He felt his legs start to tense, felt the tightness in his groin that he knew meant he was close.

And judging from what he could see and feel of his partner, she was getting close as well, her muscles were now contracting around him in that way he'd come to know meant that she was nearing her peak. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around her chest and lifted her into an upright position, so his mouth could reach one of her nipples, and as he took it into his mouth and started to suckle, he felt her tense.

Then, for the second time that day, for the second time in several years, Juniper Darby experienced the un-rivalled intimate joy of orgasm while in the arms of someone she loved with all her heart.

"Oooh! Jaaaccck!" his mother's impassioned gasping cry filled the room as her release crashed over her like a tidal wave, and he felt her walls contract around his shaft, massaging him wonderfully, as her juices flowed out of her and over him, and that was all it took.

"I'm...gonna...Mom...I'm gonna..." he ground out, pulling back from her breast as he felt his body tighten, his release mere seconds away.

"Come with me Jack, come inside me baby...Come for Mommy." she panted as her own climax continued.

With one final hard thrust, he hilted himself inside her, as he felt his muscles contract, and his warm seed erupted into her for the second time that day in several strong pulses, bathing her clenching walls as they rippled over him, squeezing him tightly.

As she felt Jack reach his peak, June sat up and wrapped her arms round his neck, and pressed her mouth to his, as their tongues started to dance, she moaned as she felt his body responding to her own climax, which seemed to spur his own on. She then started kissing his neck, and buried her face in the crook of his shoulder, letting out a mewling whimper as she rode out what was apparently a multiple orgasm.

'Haven't had one of those in a while...' she mentally panted. She then pulled back as she felt her son ebb, smiling, she kissed him on the nose.

"That was fan-Fucking-tastic baby. Thank you."

"Y-You're welcome mom, anytime." He replied, smiling at her as he pulled her tight against him. "Although I think we made a bit of a mess." He said as he looked at the drops of melted ice cream on the seat of the chair she'd sat on, some of which had dropped to the floor.

"Don't worry about it. I'll clean it up after our shower. Oh, and tonight, you are sleeping in my bed with me. And I better not feel_any_ shorts on you mister." She replied with humour. "Now, let's go take that shower, we need to get cleaned up."

Jack smiled and nodded, "Ok, hold on." Before she could say anything, he hooked his hands under her butt, lifted her, turned away from the table, and started to carry her towards the door, with her limbs still around him, and his semi-hard shaft still deep inside her.

June smiled to herself as she let her son carry her out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, her arms and legs still wrapped firmly round him, while he used an outstretched arm to steady himself as he walked. While he kept his other hand under her butt to steady her, she felt a thrill run through her as she wiggled her hips a little, which felt great with his penis still inside her. His fingers slide between her cheeks, his middle finger pressing against the ring of muscle, as it had in the car. She remembered that she wanted to try something she'd been thinking about all day.

'That's why I made sure to clean myself out thoroughly when I got home.' She reminded herself.

As they entered the bathroom, she unwrapped herself from her son and gave him a quick kiss before turning towards the shower and climbing in.

There was a hiss and hot water started beating down on the tile floor. June eyed her son's erection for a moment and smiled at him, "Well?"

"Ladies first, right?" Jack replied with his own smile.

June raised a brow, having her suspicions before shrugging and walking into the steaming shower. As she did, she felt a sharp pinch on her rear, and squeaked in surprise.

"Jack!" she yelped and turned around to glare at him.

He smiled innocently, "What? Just admiring the view."

June crossed her arms, "Uh huh. Having a hard time keeping hands off too it seems."

Jack raised his hands defensively, "My hands are right here. Not my fault you look gorgeous."

"Mmm, thanks baby, you're not bad looking yourself." She replied with a meaningful look down.

She stepped into the shower while Jack blinked, and let the warm water run over her body. Jack watched for a moment as the water flowed along her curves and made her slightly tan skin shine. He really was learning to appreciate her not as just as his wonderful caring mother, but as a beautiful sexual woman.

He felt a slight twinge of guilt for having made her hide her looks for so long, and for the many cold showers, she'd likely taken so she could be there for him. June hadn't told him, but Jack had a feeling it had been many years since she'd been with a man, and couldn't help but blame himself a little.

"You coming in honey?" June asked. Jack blinked and realized his mind had wondered off.

"Ye-yeah, sorry." he apologized, and stepped into the shower with her. It was just big enough for the two of them to stand under the showerhead comfortably.

June gave him a kiss on the forehead once he stepped in front of her under the shower spray. She rested her chin on his head and got a small pout from him, "You know, it's not really fair that you're still taller than me."

"Hmmhmm." June chuckled softly, "You happen to have a very tall mother."

"Not that tall." he mumbled. He was technically 5'9. June just so happened to be very tall compared to most women.

June just chuckled again, her son's attitude a small reminder that he was still growing. The implications were not lost on her, but she didn't comment on that. Instead, she wrapped him in a gentle hug from behind and rested her head in the crook of his neck.

Jack perked up slightly when he felt her breasts and perky nipples press into his back, "Mmm, a little dirty today Jack? I think you need some cleaning up."

"To be fair, you are at least half responsible for this mess." he replied.

June narrowed her eyes playfully, and said teasingly, "Is that a complaint?"

Jack chuckled. "Pit no."

"That's what I thought." she giggled and grabbed a bar of soap in her hands, "Want me to give you a wash?"

Jack closed his eyes and imagined her soft hands running across his back and chest, using the soap to wash away the grime and stress of the day. Yes, that sounded very nice to him indeed.

"Sure... Then I'll do you?"

June smiled, "Sure." and started rubbing the soap across his shoulder blades.

Her touch was soft, gentle, the hand of an experienced mother, and nurse gently rubbing the soap into his back. Jack let out a soft sigh and rolled his shoulders. Despite all the fantastic sex he'd been getting, there'd also been an underlying fear since that morning. Fear of how his mother would react to the news about the Pink Energon, fear of Airachnid's return, and fear of what would happen when said Pink Energon wore off.

Now though, that fear was easily forgotten as June worked her way down his back. She grinned to herself mischievously and Jack suddenly yelped. "What the- Mom!"

June looked at him innocently, "Yes?"

"Did you just... cop a feel?" Jack asked, shocked.

"Mmm, what, like this?" she gently squeezed his ass again and Jack yelped, "Yeah, like that."

His mother shrugged, "I was just getting a little payback. Besides, it's not like you don't like it, and, you really do have a nice ass." she squeezed his rear again as if to emphasize it.

"Well yeah..." Jack admitted, "I just thought we were going to take a little break from the sex since... well..."

"We just fucked like rabbits in the kitchen?" June deadpanned.

He blushed a little, "...Yeah, that."

June shrugged, "Alright, fair enough. Your back's done anyway, why don't you do mine?" she handed him the soap and Jack accepted it. June presented her back to him and Jack turned around, keeping his waist pulled back so he didn't prod her by accident.

'Just a few nice moments without descending into sex...' he thought, and began gently rubbing the soap across her back while the warm shower water poured down on them both.

While Jack ran the soap between her shoulder blades and down the small of her back, June let out a small moan, "You know... Mmm... I was thinking though Jack."

He paused for a moment and blinked, "About?"

"Just... well us, our little relationship." June explained, "And what it means. Don't get me wrong... I have no regrets about today, but... well it's not like with Miko or Sierra. We can't just do this whenever..."

Jack blinked, "We can't? I mean, no one lives with us..."

"Not what I meant." June said and looked over her shoulder at him. She gathered up her mass of silky black hair and twisted some water out of it.

"I meant that we can't be publicly affectionate, and I can't always do sex. Time constraints and well... Too much can make a lady sore Jack." she admitted.

Once more, he blinked and let his hand fall from her back. June grabbed his hand and brought back up, "Don't stop... it felt nice. Anyway, I just meant we needed some ground rules so we don't overdo it."

It took a moment for what that meant to hit Jack. When it did, he smiled, "That's a great idea, fantastic actually."

Now it was June's turn to blink, "Wait, really? I didn't think..."

"Mom, Miko's been driving me insane. She's hornier than you are most of the time. She's always flirting with me.Always. This is the greatest idea you've ever had."

June smiled, "Why thank you... hey wait a minute..."

Jack chuckled under her playful disapproving gaze, "Okay, rules. What did you have in mind?"

He moved down to the small of her back for a few moments, before going lower and started working the soap into the globes of flesh that made up her smooth curvy rear. June tilted her head back and let out a small moan as she arched her back, pushing her rear into his hands, "Alright, well first one... ugh... protection. We got lucky when this hit, I already had my period a week ago, so we're safe for now. However, when next month starts, until I'm sure we're safe, no sex without a condom. I'll try and get on the pill too, or maybe an IUD."

"Oh... Oh god, I can't... sorry Mom." Jack apologized. He couldn't believe the thought of protection never even occurred to him. If he got his mother pregnant by accident...Oh there'd be hell to pay, for who he wasn't sure.

June smiled at his concern, "Don't be sweetie. I still enjoyed it, and there was no harm done. Just something to consider over the next few weeks. Now for the second rule, consent from both sides. Simple one I know, but if someone is not in the mood, don't bug them. That goes for you, and I know it seems silly, but there will be days where sex is the last thing on your mind... Maybe, you_are_ a teenager."

Jack raised a brow and squeezed her rear extra hard, "And your point is?"

June gave him a more seductive smile, "Those hormones of yours make you so horny just the mention of breasts, pussy or ass gets your motor going."

Looking down at his erection, Jack winced slightly, "Yeah...Considering what I have to work with here, that's not too far from the truth." he admitted.

"And perfectly natural." June added, "Not that I'm complaining of course."

"Of course." he agreed, and let the soap down, "Your back is clean. Want me to do your front?" he asked.

June thought for a moment and shook her head, "Actually, you mind massaging my shoulders a little? I think I over did it at work. A little sore there."

Jack set the soap back down and stood up behind her, "Sure, if you don't mind the short guy massaging you."

"Not at all." June giggled, and picked the soap up while Jack gently began to rub her shoulders.

June rolled her shoulders under his gentle hands, before taking the soap and rubbing it in little circles on her chest. She might want to do unspeakably dirty things to him, but she still had to wash herself. So she made sure to clean her breasts while Jack massaged her shoulders. She arched her back just enough so Jack could see her running the bar over her nipples.

Jack blinked for a moment and shook his head, focusing on his own task while June continued to clean herself in the most provocative way she could, the hand holding the soap moving down over her stomach and between her legs, as she took the showerhead and moved it down her front. She arched her back and spread her legs, pressed her butt into his erection, which had only softened partway, she made a quick decision, and decided she'd let him rest enough. She began to rock her hips against it. Oh how she loved to tease him whenever she got the chance.

'Mmm, she really does have a nice body...' he admitted, and started working his hands down. He splayed his fingers out and worked them into her shoulder blades, before softly running the tips of his fingers down her spine and working them into the small of her back. June let out a small moan and put the soap away. She was plenty clean.

Jack smiled to himself as his hands spread across her back and up her sides, nearly tickling them as he did his best to ignore what her butt was doing for the moment. A content smile spread over June's face and she leaned into his touch ever so slightly. Jack worked his hands back down from her shoulders again, and let them slide across her side and start gently running across her stomach.

June moaned, "When did you get such soft hands?"

"Trade secret." Jack replied, and ran his hands right under the curve of her full and firm breasts. He could have fondled them right there and then, but decided to tease her a little.

At the last second, he retracted them and June moaned, or rather whined a little. Jack grinned wickedly and let his hands drift down her stomach and down over the smooth mound above her lips. His fingers stopped just above her slit, and June let out another moan. She arched her hips forward a little, but once again, Jack retracted his hands, she silently bemoaned the loss of contact between her butt and his penis. She_definitely_wanted to try her idea now, but she knew it'd be more fun if she teased him more.

"Tease..." she muttered.

"You know it." Jack whispered in response, working his hands into her back once more.

When he reached the small of her back though, June started pushing her rear out towards him again. Jack took a step or two back, so his protruding erection wouldn't bump into her, and chuckled at the disappointed frown June wore. Oh it was fun to tease he decided, very fun.

His hands drifted down to her hips and stayed there for a moment. Watching his erection, Jack gently guided it between June's legs and pushed forward until her ass touched his pubic hair. She let out a small gasp and pushed back against him insistently, pressing herself down against his length.

Jack could feel the heat radiating off them, but instead of penetrating her, he started rocking back and forth slowly. His tip brushed along her lips, just barely pushing them apart.

June moaned again, and Jack started brushing his hands forward once more. This time, when he reached the outer curve of her breast, he didn't stop. Jack leaned forward until his chest was pressing against her back, and began to fondle his mother's breasts, pinching and rubbing her nipples between his fingers.

"Oooh..." June murmured softly, and leaned her head back to kiss Jack on the cheek, "That feels so... nice..."

She reached up with one of her free hands and tenderly ran it across his chin while Jack rubbed his cock up against her pussy. He let out a small groan of his own before responding, "Consider it... paying you back for all the good you've done me..."

June closed her eyes and let a content smile cross her lips, "I'll... ugh... take it..."

Jack rubbed his thumbs in small circles around her areola for a moment and teased her clitoris with the tip of his dick. June let out a noise that was akin to a squeak and a moan. That just turned him on all the more.

The heat of her pussy was practically radiating out onto his cock, and Jack let out a moan, "So hot..."

June managed to open her eyes, and stroked his cheek with her thumb, before whispering "And it's all yours. Only for you, big guy." and gave him a tender kiss on the lips.

The water of the shower started to lose its warmth, but neither of them cared. Jack returned June's kiss and pressed his tongue against hers. She gladly opened her lips and let his tongue dart inside her mouth, beginning the dance both were quite familiar with now.

"Mmm..." June moaned and dug her hand into Jack's hair. Her other hand flicked her dark ebony hair off her shoulder, before joining his hand on her left breast and massaging it with him.

For a moment the two stood in the shower like that, naked, locked in a soft embrace with Jack rubbing his penis up against her vagina from behind while massaging her breasts and kissing her. June was practically overloading from the all the attention he was paying her, and gasped for air when they broke their kiss.

She was red in the face and grinned lazily at him, "I'm ready for you Jack. Come on..."

Taking that as his cue, Jack withdrew his hands from her breast and set them on either side of her hips. June put a hand up against the wall next to her and the other on the wall before her, and leaned forward, giving him a better angle, her body starting to burn with desire.

"Come on baby, fuck me!" she breathed, "I'm ready for you!"

Jack nodded while June readied herself, and pulled his dick back along her steaming pussy. Both let out small groans before Jack started to thrust in. His head pushed past the folds of her slit and June let out a throaty moan, shivering while he filled her from behind.

"Oooh...Oooh..." she moaned, letting her head hang while her vagina swallowed his dick.

Jack smiled while he thrust in until his hips pressed up against her ass. She moaned again, when Jack started pulling back. When only his tip was still in her, he gently thrust forward again, inciting another moan from June. Smiling to himself, Jack repeated the process, taking a slow time to pull back before slowly thrusting forward into her.

Each time incited a moan from June and Jack, and the two began slowly gaining momentum. It was not the fastest Jack had gone during sex for sure, but he did not intend to go fast. Instead, he gently and slowly made love to her from behind with the utmost care, taking as much pleasure in his thrusts as he did her moans.

June sighed, as she again got used to the feeling of a man inside her, it really had been too long, now this was the third time in a day, she didn't know what god she'd appeased to deserve this, but she was happy. Deciding to put her little plan in motion, she looked back at him over her shoulder as she leaned forward, making sure he could see the want in her eyes.

"Jack...I...Oooh yeess...Oh god I love you...oh goood!...I want...I want you..._mmm..._I want you in my ass!" she gasped that last part, feeling a thrill as Jack's eyes flew wide in surprise, and if she wasn't mistaken, she felt his shaft pulse.

"Are...are you..._sure?"_He asked.

She thought for a moment, mulling it over in her mind, and then finally she made up her mind and nodded.

"Yes." She growled her voice full of desire and need. "It's been a while since I tried that, and I enjoyed it last time, and it really turned me on when you licked me earlier in the park. So yes I want you to fuck me in my ass."

She saw the look of indecision on his face, and decided to reassure him. "Don't worry, I'm clean back there, I made_sure_ of that when I got home."

Jack blinked. "Wait, you...you planned to ask me to do that the whole night?" he asked. The sultry smile she gave him as she stepped forward, letting his shaft slip out of her told him enough.

"Of course." She said, as she bent her knees a little to give him a better angle. "Just remember. Go slowly at first, don't worry about lube, we're both soaking wet, and you were just in my pussy so..."

Jack looked down at the firm globes of his mother's ass, they had already parted a little when she'd bent her knees, and he watched as she gripped them with her hands and pulled them apart, letting him clearly see the ring of muscle between them.

He briefly thought back to the park, when he'd gotten to know that part of her more intimately than he ever thought he would. Reaching out, he gently started to brush the middle finger of his right hand over the ring of her ass, and started to rub in small circles, hearing her moan in approval, he gently started to press in, his finger already wet with the water and traces of soap.

He felt a little resistance, but it only lasted a few seconds before he felt her relax, and his finger slipped into her to the first knuckle.

Hearing her sigh in pleasure, he looked up to her face to see her eyes had closed, and a smile was starting to spread across her face. Getting bolder, he gently pulled the tip of his finger out, before running it around the opening again, before gently pushing it back in, feeling even less resistance this time as his finger sank all the way to the second knuckle. When he pulled it back, he only went as far as the first knuckle, leaving the tip of his finger inside her and then he gently pushed back in.

"Mmmm..." June moaned as she laid her head against the shower wall, feeling her lover gently start to finger her ass. She silently thanked whatever gods had given him the foresight to be considerate enough to start out with a finger, instead of just trying to penetrate her properly, without any kind of preparation on her part. As she'd heard from a couple of her female colleagues at the hospital, who, over a post-shift glass of wine or cup of coffee, had regaled her with stories of their sometimes disastrous encounters with men, some guys just weren't very gentle, or careful, especially when it came to this.

As he continued to gently work his finger in and out of her, Jack felt her start to rock her hips, pushing herself back towards him, which caused his finger to go deeper, almost to the base, and as he pulled out to the tip, he lined up his ring finger, and gently pushed that one in as well. He felt her stiffen slightly, but only for a moment, before she started to rock her hips more insistently.

'She must really be into this...' he thought, and he had to admit, he was starting to get into it too.

June felt a tingling sensation run through her as she felt Jack add a second finger, and she started to thrust her hips back at him, trying to give him non-verbal hints that, while she enjoyed the fingers, immensely, they were_NOT_ what she wanted! "Ugh...! Stop teasing me Jack! Please!" she pleaded with her son, looking back at him in the mirror on the wall, as looking over her shoulder was starting to strain her neck. Thinking back to how he'd reacted in the car, she decided to give wordplay another try.

"Oh god Jack...Just put it in already...put that willy in me before I do it for you!" she growled with mock anger, and a little genuine frustration and a lot of desire.

Jack paused, hearing the genuine need in his lover's voice; he relented, and decided to give her what she wanted. Gently pulling his fingers out, he took hold of his shaft and started rubbing the crown against the ring of muscle, and as he pressed forwards, his exposed tip slid ever so gently into the older woman's anus.

Pausing for a breath, he gently leaned forwards, slowly pushing himself deeper, until about half an inch was in, before he started to pull back, until again, there was just the tip inside, and then he entered her again, going a little deeper. It took nearly two minutes, but eventually, he pushed himself all the way in.

June panted as she adjusted to the hard shaft now buried inside her. It had been a long time since she'd done this, it took some getting used to, but she knew her Jack would be gentle. She clenched her muscles, gripping him tightly, feeling him shiver, which in turn made her shiver as she felt his hands gently roam over her back, sides and breasts, before moving down to settle on her hips.

"Go...slow..." June said, still catching her breath. Jack nodded as he gently started to pull out, then push back in, making sure she was comfortable the whole time.

June closed her eyes and swallowed while Jack picked up speed, her breasts swaying back and forth with each thrust. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever felt, she was so tight and warm, though the tightness was more localized, creating wonderful sensations that almost pushed him over the edge, but he grit his teeth and held back his release, wanting to savour this. Unfortunately, his body had other ideas, all of the teasing, and the fact of what they were doing, was pushing him further and further towards climax.

"Mhmm...Mhmm...Mhmm..." June moaned, relishing the feeling of a penis inside that part of her again, the last person to try it had been her husband, and she'd loved every second, she'd initially been hesitant, but he'd been so gentle, that she'd gotten used to it, and eventually, it became part of their sexual diet.'Just like Jack.' She thought.

She heard his breathing deepen, felt him start to tense, and looked back at him before gasping out with pleasure. "That's it baby...Come in me...I want it..." That was enough for Jack, he thrust in and out three more times, burying himself to the hilt each time, before his buttocks clenched tight and he released his seed into June.

"Oh god..." he groaned.

June shuddered, feeling every spurt and jerk from his orgasm, and felt his seed filling her. She let out a moan a moment later as she felt a small climax wash over her and the two stood there in the shower riding their orgasms until both opened their eyes and let out tired gasps for air.

Jack finally pulled out from behind her and took a step back.

June stood up shakily and turned around to face him with a smile. She brought her hands up to gently cup his face and the two of them shared a brief affectionate kiss, before she reached for the washcloth and began to clean him again.

She paused, a thoughtful look crossing her face as she looked down at her son, then turned and grabbed the can of shaving cream she kept on the shower shelf, as well as her wet razor, then got down on her knees and gently pushed him back out of the water stream.

"What are you doing?" he asked, she smirked up at him.

"Making you look presentable, while I'm sure both Miko and Sierra enjoyed their time down here as much as you did, somehow I doubt they appreciated getting a face full of hair. Not to mention, when you are hard, it will give the illusion that you're bigger than you actually are, and I think that'll give anyone about to suck you a bit of a thrill, so, it's coming off."

With that, she applied a generous amount of cream to her hand and worked it into his hair, making sure to cover his sac too. Then she started with the razor. In only a few minutes, she'd gotten rid of all the hair, leaving him just as smooth as she was. Once she'd cleaned him, she took a moment to admire her work, before leaning in to deliver a quick kiss to each of his balls, before standing and putting the razor back, she then turned to him and pulled him into a loving embrace.

When June pulled away, she smiled at Jack, "I love you Jack, remember that."

"Even without the sex?" he asked.

"Even without the sex." she confirmed, and grabbed the soap, "Come on let's finish up. I'm sure you've got some homework to finish."

Jack nodded and smiled. The two finished their shower shortly afterwards, and were drying off together while giving each other loving smiles and brushing up against each other until they were dry.

June shuddered and felt her nipples perk up from one touch, the Phero-En working it's magic on her. She managed to shake it off for the most part, but saw Jack still at half-mast and let out a small smile before kneeling in front of him again.

"You sure? We just showered." Jack asked her.

"Its fine honey." she assured him, as she pulled back his foreskin again, and licked his crown, "One last blowjob won't kill you. Besides, I'm sure you'll get your stamina back by the time I drop you off, plus, I might as well be the first one to inspect your new look."

Before Jack could protest further, June gently took hold of his shaft with one hand, while letting the fingers of her other run gently over the now smooth skin of his pubic mound and scrotum. She leaned forward and opened her mouth, running his tip over her lips, like a lipstick applicator, and teased the tip with her tongue for a moment, before slowly taking more of him until the crown touched the back of her throat. If there was one thing she prided herself on, it was her control over her gag reflex.

Jack let out a shuddering sigh and placed a hand on the wall to steady himself while June pulled herself back, and pursed her lips at the tip. She then started impaling herself again, repeating the process while her hands rested on Jack's thighs.

After a few minutes of sucking him off, Jack let out a small groan, "I'm gonna come..." he warned her.

June merely smiled with mirth while she bobbed back and forth, and let him do just that. Like she had done in the car earlier that day, June sealed her lips to his cock and let Jack cum into her mouth, filling her with his hot warm semen, though there wasn't much. She let out a moan of her own, and slowly pulled back, until his erection popped out of her mouth and bobbed in place.

Jack stared down at her and saw June swallow his seed whole, "Delicious as always." she purred, and stood up, kissing him on the cheek.

"And again, I have no response to that." Jack sighed with his own smile, "Just... too awesome."

June walked off to the bathroom door with her hips swaying, "Your mother is full of surprises Jack."

Jack watched her go and smiled to himself, "I don't doubt it."

Stretching to loosen his muscles, Jack left the bathroom and headed for his own room, sitting at his desk, he pulled out his art history homework and looked it over, wondering how he was going to get it done without falling asleep.

Taking a moment to check his phone, he noticed he had a text from both Sierra and Miko.

The one from Sierra read, "Hi sweetie, how you doin'?"

The one from Miko seemed a little less formal, all it read was, "'Sup, stud?"

Jack snorted, before replying, first to Sierra, then to Miko.

"Not much, just took a shower, sat here naked trying to do my homework."

A few minutes later, his phone chimed with a text, twice.

The first one was from Sierra. "Oooh...I can't wait to see your friend again... ;)"

The one from Miko was more direct, as he expected from her.

"Mmm. You really know how to make a girl wet."

Jack snorted, 'You have NO idea...'_he thought, before replying to both with the same message, _"You want a full frontal, or just a close-up?"

The replies said pretty much the same thing.

"No, I'll see it in person tomorrow."

He paused, then gulped.

'Well scrap.' He thought.

Several hours later, Jack was struggling to keep his eyes open while he tried to focus on his calculus homework; he'd given up on art history for the moment. He looked at his alarm clock, and saw that it was approaching 10 o'clock, almost bedtime.

He wondered how Arcee was doing at the base, if she'd gone crazy from boredom yet, but he doubted it, as they were in the process of relocating to another base. During the ride home with Bumblebee and Raf, he'd wondered aloud how they'd move everything, only for 'Bee, with Raf translating, saying that Fowler was bringing in specialist teams to help move the equipment, so the kids weren't expected to do much, if anything. Though Jack suspected Fowler just wanted to make sure they weren't seen, which would lead to someone he answered to asking uncomfortable questions.

He was only slightly aware of his bedroom door opening, and his mother entering the room, though his fatigue vanished, or most of it did when a pair of warm hands came to rest on his shoulders, then move slowly up his neck. Gently massaging it, before moving down over his chest as her warm, soft and supple breasts came to rest on his shoulders, he felt his mother's lips against the top of his head, and he closed his eyes and smiled, leaning his head back into the warm embrace.

"Jack...Come on honey, it's bed time." She whispered, planting another gentle kiss on his head as she rocked a little, moving her mounds over his shoulders slowly.

"Mmmm...." Jack hummed, turning his head to nuzzle one of those soft, warm, and still very_naked_examples of pure and divine, at least in his opinion, feminine beauty.

"You didn't even put on a robe..." he mumbled, she smiled and lightly giggled.

"I told you, from here on out, when it's just the two of us and Arcee in the house, and maybe Miko as well, the clothes come_off._ And STAY off."

She then pulled back and spun him around in his desk chair, before looking down and smirking at the sight of his half-mast, before she leaned forward until her head was in his lap. She took the tip into her mouth, using her lips to slide the cowl of skin part way back, before teasing the exposed flesh with her tongue tip, feeling Jack stiffen, she grinned and pulled back, standing as she pulled him to his feet and hugged him.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Ya know, not that I'm complaining or anything, but some might say you've got an oral fixation."

June smirked and shrugged. "I probably do, but then, that's your fault for having such a delicious penis that was practically_custom made_for sucking." She chuckled, pulled back and headed for the door, her bare butt swaying as she went. "Now come on, you're new bed awaits."

Jack smiled and followed her, not bothering to stifle a yawn. In a few minutes, he was laying under the covers of his mother's bed, which, he gathered, was now also going to be his. He smiled as his mother slipped in next to him and curled herself against him.

'Hmm...This is nice.' He thought, wrapping an arm round her as she kissed his cheek and snuggled in close, draping a leg over his waist, before moving on top of him. She leaned in and kissed him lovingly, his arms round around her as her hands went south to grip his erection, and they both moaned as she lifted her hips, and then lowered herself onto him.

"Mom...?" Jack questioned, looking at her in slight confusion.

"It's ok baby, it's been a long time since I've shared this bed with anyone, I just want us to be...close." she whispered, kissing him again.

'Can't get any closer than this...but I really have missed sharing this bed with someone.' She thought.

"Just go to sleep darling, you've had a long day. Good night, lover." She then kissed him one last time, before curling up, his hard shaft still inside her warm embrace, as she wrapped her arms round him, she felt him embrace her as he placed a light kiss on top of her head.

"Good night mom." He replied, closing his eyes.


Again, I apologise for the LONG time it took me to write this thing, but as I said in the AN at the beginning, I had good reasons, reasons that, hopefully, won't happen again any time soon. And now that I have Redknight helping me outline a general chapter plan, it should go faster.

I won't give a definite date as to when chapter 6 will be up, because I may not be able to stick to it, so I'll just say it'll be up when it's finished.

Until next time, thanks for reading, and please review.** J**

Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 “X and Y” excerpt: Version 2

**Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 "X and Y" excerpt: Version 2 (chapter accurate)** **AN: This is a one-shot written for a story on fanfiction\*net that is a "After the Fade-to-black" excerpt from the end of the chapter. The story is called...

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Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 “X and Y” excerpt: Version 1

**Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 "X and Y" excerpt: Version 1 (not chapter accurate)** **AN: This is a one-shot written for a story on fanfiction\*net that is a "After the Fade-to-black" excerpt from the end of the chapter. The story is...

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Jack's Girls - Chapter 4: Beyond Bounds

**Jack's Girls** **By TheLoneOne (Original story by Auumaan on FF\*net)** **Disclaimer: I own nothing.** **AN: Ok, first off, I'd like to say a few things. A: THANK YOU to all those who have watched me/faved my story since the last update. The last...

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