30 (DSV Nautica) War
The Curator and The Architect stood in the matriarch's chamber, silently mulling over what they had been told. It wasn't going to be easy. They stole a glance at each other, reluctant to do as they were told."I never said it would be easy. It's really...
26 (DSV Nautica) Stillness
It was cold. Very cold where Aki was. The sun had not moved. It was almost like a never ending twilight. Celeste stood unmoving, staring off into the distance. Would she ever be allowed back? Celeste smiled, as something moved in Aki's peripheral...
22 (DSV Nautica) Whispers of things to come
Zhi sat in his quarters, running his hands over together in a nervous fashion. Aki had essentially fired him from his position. The ship rumbled around him, and the familiar sound of an FTL tunnel whooshed around him. He sighed, and laid back down. He...
18 (DSV Nautica) Dreams and Determination
"Aki, please get some water. Your mother isn't feeling so good."Aki ran with the bucket, the soft pat of her feet against the earth blending in with the trees all around her. She jumped over fallen trunks along the worn path to the spring not far from...
47 (DSV Nautica) Respect
Aki's gaze was lost in the forward display of the Erebus. So much had happened recently, and she was handling it rather well, she thought. From a normal star ship commander to a reader of the Eidolon scrolls in less than two days time. When was the...
36 (DSV Nautica) A Plan
Ancient hallways lit slowly. Old conduits not used in a millenia began to flow with will power once again. Rumbling to life, a new section powered on, the data streaming into processing columns.Time started at 12 hours, 57 minutes, 41 seconds. Mark.The...
32 (DSV Nautica) Twilight Falling
Nothing as going right. Nothing could go right out here. The damage was severe, they needed a full drive recalibration, and on top of it, the resonance wouldn't reestablish itself for another 5 standard days. Just perfect. The Thanatos was in even...
31 (DSV Nautica) Cerebri
The Architect stood on the barren landscape of Celebri, New Ayr's lone moon. He was under pressure now. He was always under pressure of course, but this was different. He had to build a warship unlike any the universe had yet to see, or at least that...
27 (DSV Nautica) Fallen Angel
Aki stared at the ceiling, trying to make sense of it all. This was just too much for her. She felt so tired. So worn out as if she had just tried to singlehandedly move a mountain with her will. May'ael restrained her briefly, easing off as it became...
28 (DSV Nautica) Recovery
The FTL tunnel dissipated, the Erebus returning to normal space. The scans began almost immediately."Captain, No survivors are being detected..." De'ans voice was heavy with remorse and anger.Aki exhaled through her nose, sighing heavily. She wasn't...
6 (DSV Nautica) Into the Ruins Part 2
Flare was worried. Very worried. She paced back and forth, biting her lip, trying to think of something to do. There must be something..."Sit!"The head of the medical bay, May'ael, had a kind demeanor and a good heart, but not when patients disobeyed...
40 (DSV Nautica) Understanding
Loki sat before the Elder, whom took a seat as well, on the throne. They exchanged a flurry of mental images, without speaking one word. The Draconid processed these images. The preperations of a war against them, leading to the destruction of a star...