The Gungan Way
The palace of Naboo was fuller than ever with guests from all over the galaxy. Celebration was in the air as the natives of Naboo and guests cheered as the Battle of Naboo finally came to an end. Many of the Gungan people entered the large, marble...
Das Ende der Kunst
Dies ist meine erste in sich abgeschlossene geschichte, ich habe davon keine fortsetzung geplant, sondern werde erstmal weiter an meiner starwars-serie arbeiten.
Amazing Gift
Starcraft2, call of duty, starwar, etc. there were so many!
Jimmy's Day
It was true that the new starwars mmo looked rather interesting, especially considering how it had managed to dodge some of the annoying issues with stiff backdrops and settings.
The last of the HellFire Knights. The begining.
I climbed up onto the nose and in five stides runing, in reached the canopy. the canopy was designed after the x-wing canopy from starwars. on the front panel of the opace material, i saw a handprint reader.