Hellbound Chapter 2 "Encounter"
Chapter 2 "Encounter" The sun was blazing, the sand was swirling, and the town was hungry. It was that time of year again where the food supplies ran low and worst of all it was the hottest time of the year. There were very little resources in...
Soft sheets of snow blanketed the ground of the witheringly wonderful wonderland that was his backyard. Taking a timid, trembling step outside his house, his eyes pointed to the grey, great sky. His mouth seemed to shrivel up in a shrewd state, as if...
A rising storm
That left one final option, the difficult one, taking them out in their offices, security would be a major factor and opposition was both unknown in numbers and skill, the only way to take both out would be to get them in the same room.
EverQuest Timeline
. ~ the giants meet in the council and decide to unite against an unknown enemy in karnor, whose horrid legions are pillaging their cities and caravans.
...And Everything
"...Sir, we've lost a thread." "WHAT!? How's that even possible?" "We're still investigating the issue, but it seems our modeling software is vulnerable to cosmic rays, and the process attachments can on occasion lose connection. The estimated...
It's early night. Asteyr is at the inn, preparing himself to meet Korge, a tortomon. He decided to not wear anything fancy for the occasion, since Korge probably wouldn't wear either. He didn't want to embarrass his friend. He was wearing black shorts...
The Risen Curtain - Prolog: Time for Vengeance
The World is a beautiful place. Landscapes of unmatched beauty. Fresh fields of grass, which would bloom in a thousand colors each spring. Life booming from all sides and in all styles. But still... why it was such a horrible place to live in? _Curse...
RP I had with this guy: www.furaffinity.net/user/Dayoon Also involved: www.furaffinity.net/user/MrMEMEME Sáb 01 Out 2011 13:33:09 BRT - But spankings are fun - said Dayoon. -Whye?! - I ask, looking around. - Hehe cause ur cute when u get spanked -...
Backstory: Child of the Sands originally started out as a spur of the moment Role Play between myself and [...
Leonardo - Chapter 2
It has only been some number of minutes since I left the community, still not daring to look back. I sped up at times, I slowed down at times; all was done to get away to the now-hell-hole. I eventually stopped, looking up at how down the sun came. It...
My eye is not a hard drive
Two friends were climbing a tall, ancient-looking wall covered with incomprehensible oranges and odd, hollow, clay mouths protruding from the surface that rather resembled beaks, though for no unknown reason, everyone called them mouths, maybe because the
Throttle Control
It was different. Unexpected. She was used to being in control, in charge, and the boss at all times. Being tied up, face down, blindfolded and at the mercy of this... No! She wouldn't finish the thought. She knows she's still in control, and will...