Thirteen Tales (2019): Eigth Tale

#22 of thirteen tales thirteen tales from dr. callyco eighth tale the tale of trivia night tonight's guest, mara.

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Thirteel Tales From Another World: FIrst Tale

#39 of thirteen tales thirteen tales from another world first tale the tale of a routine visit lockely is u for the first slot. and so he's our lucky victim... erm, winner, who is going on the first all expense paid trip to another universe.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Thirteenth Tale

#51 of thirteen tales thirteen tales from another world thirteenth tale the tale of agartha we reach our final tale.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Fifth Tale

#6 of thirteen tales ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa! the experiment continues! and more people are led to their karmic fate! i dr. callyco have returned with thirteen new tales of terror and mayhem! this year's theme! thirteen karmic tales!

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 8

#31 of thirteen tales the month continues and i dr. callyco both feel the need to insist on saying my name a lot and bringing you new tales.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Sixth Tale

#44 of thirteen tales thirteen tales from another world sixth tale tale of the junior hero program tonight we feature naitlion cris is just having his normal breakfast when suddenly reality gets flipped upside down.2021 thirteen tales index support me on

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale

#42 of thirteen tales thirteen tales from another world fourth tale the tale of endless ocean tonight's guest :crehvan: aria finds a message in a bottle on the beach one eve.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 11

#34 of thirteen tales welcome back to another thirteen tales from me, dr. callyco and my faithful assistant dr. cutie pup. tonight's victim chirrveon holly just wants to get some work done.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Twelfth Tale

#50 of thirteen tales thirteen tales from another world twelfth tale the tale of that place time for another thirteen tales and well.. something about this world seems familiar huh?

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Tenth Tale

#11 of thirteen tales ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa! the experiment continues! and more people are led to their karmic fate! i dr. callyco have returned with thirteen new tales of terror and mayhem! this year's theme! thirteen karmic tales!

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Eighth Tale

#9 of thirteen tales ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa! the experiment continues! and more people are led to their karmic fate! i dr. callyco have returned with thirteen new tales of terror and mayhem! this year's theme! thirteen karmic tales!

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Thriteen Tales 2020: Tale 9

thirteen tales 2020 ninth tale the tale of tricks and traditions as far as kickaha was concerned whoever invented the current halloween traditions had to have been a genius. why? because if three simple words. trick or treat.

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