The Guardian Chapter 2

Norteim Ten years earlier For the third time that week I took up my sword and shield and stood proud and strong against a foul beast. It roared and snarled at me, the creature's foul smelling breath nearly knocking me over. The beast was a demon of...

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The Guardian Chapter 1

Hello again SoFurry, This is the first story that I have written on here in a while and I really hope you enjoy it. It will be series and I will do my best to stay on top of updating it on a regular basis. Enjoy...

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The Guardian Chapter 6

Tane One week later "Alright again," I began, sitting on the bed of the small cottage we were staying in. James sighed. "Why do I have to practice this so much?" He asked, "I mean all I have to do is stab him right?" I rolled my eyes and stood up....

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The Guardian Chapter 5

James When I opened my eyes Tane and I were surrounded by a group of armored mounted soldiers. The leader stepped down and removed his helmet. She was a white and slender wolf and had a frigid air about her. She frowned, looking over the freshly...

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The Guardian Chapter 4

Tane Stormclaw A week later For the past week we had been off of the main roads, as far as I knew, they were crawling with guards and thugs hunting for us. Fortunately, the lightly wooded mountain pass that we were now traversing was unknown to all...

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The Guardian Chapter 3

Tane Stoneclaw I opened the door quickly and entered, slamming it shut. The human had his back turned to me and turned around with a grimace. I caught my breath as he began to speak. "There you are," He began, "Tane Stoneclaw right?" I...

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That Old Style Blues Part 2

"Hey," Emil blushed, standing in front of the door in a raincoat, "I'm sorry it took so long. The good news is that I can spend the night." Victor smiled widely and stood aside, holding the door open for the Labrador. Emil came in and smiled, looking...

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That Old Style Blues Part 1

Hello everyone! This is part 1 of a two-parter. The second part should be out next Thursday. I hope you enjoy...

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Behind the Helmet Chapter 2

Thomas sat in the library in a solitary corner. He had in front of him a lengthy textbook on crustacean biology. He was reading over the section that pertained to lobsters, more specifically symbions. He uncapped his pink highlighter, highlighting...

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The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 6

Nathan was driving home, while Brain sat in the front seat, looking very excited. It was midnight, and the reception had just finished. Nathan was fighting off his drowsiness, turning up the late night jazz music to keep him awake. "How was that...

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The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 5

The couple's car stopped in a parking garage a few blocks from the restaurant. Nathan and Brian locked it and headed up to Blu's, a large restaurant overlooking Hollywood. Brian threw an arm around Nathan, who pressed his body to Brian's dress shirt in...

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Survival of the Living Prolouge

Hello sofurry! It's been a long time since I've posted anything, and even longer since I've tackled a series. This time, however, I'm gonna stick true to this one, because, ITS ZOMBIES!! This chapter is pretty gory, but as the story actually begins,...

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