Fitted for Chastity (100+ Word Patreon Giveaway)

"Alright, you can sit on the chair over there as I get her fitted." The vet spoke up, motioning with his furred wolf paw to the blue chair in the pet room, the anthro dragon taking his advice, sitting down and watching the two, holding his phone to...

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Fishy Situation

Returning from the hunting challenge for his tribe, earning second place with a large deer, he walked up to his little wooden house in the village, his stomach growling after hunting and having to give the taken-down prey to the elders of the tribe...

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Noodle Derg Gonna Get Slurped

The flickering of the firefly lamp reflected off the end of the quills in the dragons' talons, the two both sharing a deep, concentrated gaze as they wrote their stories on the open scrolls before them, a rock on the top and bottom of each to keep...

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Close To The Heart (100+ Word Patreon Giveaway)

As the orange hue of the sun made crested over the horizon of the snow mountains beyond, the soft white glow of the moon shortly after took its place, casting a spell of peace and rest over the inhabitants below. A chilling breeze swirled through the...

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Lovers Betrayal In The Ice (PATREON EXCLUSIVE)

He opened his eyes as he heard a growl from his mate, turning around to find her standing up despite her weakness. Her bloodied claw had red-hardened blood covering the end, eyes red with sleeplessness and insanity, her breath coming out in ragged...

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Do Not Disturb (100+ Word Patreon Giveaway)

Enko bad been through a long day of keeping Derek's Cavern clean of any potential trolls that had tried to cause chaos, but as he went about his usual day, a question about running the cavern crossed his mind. Needing to know the answer sooner rather...

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Paws Adjoined (100+ Word Patreon Giveaway)

As the movie finally ended, the man and women kissed on the edge of the cliff, watching the sunset before the credits began to roll. Jay and Derek sat on the grass, watching the outdoor movie along with some other dragons, the two enjoying each other's...

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Frisky Friends

Moon had never gone to a bar before dressed as a female, and even though she was excited to see if she'd get any looks from a guy or ever have one flirt with her, she couldn't stop her heart racing as she realized how nervous it made her, causing her...

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The Life of A Pet Dragoness - Ch. 10 [CM]

The warm rays of the morning sun warmed her cool scales as she lay beside the glass door to the backyard to relax. The sun seemed to almost embrace her form, caressing it in its tender and loving touch as she happily drank it in, eyes closed and tail...

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Queenly Commands [CM]

As the end of the year came to a close, the Rainwings and Nightwings of the forest came together for one big celebration, bringing with them drinks and fruits of all varieties to feast on. They would share in dances, bathing in the sun together...

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The Wizard's Ploy [CM]

Mark wasn't the type to go out and relax at a public bar, but after a rough day at work, he figured getting a drink could help to ease his mind and lay back for a while without having to worry about anything at home like chores. Besides, he had...

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Morning Rituals [CM]

Jacob awoke with heavy eyes, lazily opening one as he drifted back to consciousness to try and gather himself. His whole body felt heavy, pulling him down further into the covers, tempting him to sleep in just a few more minutes. He could feel the...

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