Future Vision: Vipers Journal Part 1

I wrote this journal, or rather have been writing it for a while now knowing that I am or was going to die defending something I loved. Writing this really does not have a sense of past or present, since I am neither dying nor dead. Writing this has...

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Memories: Chapter 1

Start: Memories Chapter 1 "Are you ready dear?" "I'm coming mommy. I'll be right there. Don't start without me ok?" "You better hurry, I'm opening the book." "I'm here mommy I'm here!" "Okay dear, do you remember what Simba looks like?" ...

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Brothel: Chapter 9 (Teaser)

"Are you ready dear?" "I'm coming mommy. I'll be right there. Don't start without me ok?" "You better hurry, I'm opening the book." "I'm here mommy I'm here!" "Okay dear, do you remember what Simba looks like?" "Can you tell me again mommy? I...

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Brothel: Chapter 9 (Teaser)

"Are you ready dear?" "I'm coming mommy. I'll be right there. Don't start without me ok?" "You better hurry, I'm opening the book." "I'm here mommy I'm here!" "Okay dear, do you remember what Simba looks like?" "Can you tell me again mommy? I...

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Brothel: Chapter 8

Start: Rangi and I, as well as the mercenaries, had boarded the boat with the Admiral and were now on our way to the other side of the island. The scenery from this angle was purely amazing, and the city, smoke, and fire were very far out of site. ...

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Every Now and Then

Sometimes, you can't help but feel alone. Others, you can't but feel overwhelmed When all you want is balance, You get nothing but chaos. Every now and then, You take time to notice the impacts on your life. Whether it be all the stress and...

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Brothel: Chapter 7

Chap: 7 I woke to the sound of a large crash and what felt like someone passing a hot piece of Iron over my fur. I sat up without even think about it and turn my head to the source of the noise. I saw red outside of the curtain that covered the...

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Forgiven: Chapter 2

"My name is Mr. Johnson, however if you want you can simply call me sir if the time comes that for some reason you cannot remember my name. I see some of you have already grabbed books, for all those who have not please come get one while I find the...

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Forgiven: Chapter 1

"I'm Sorry." That's the way everything ends. Two words that can either mean great remorse, or devastating disaster. But it didn't matter whether he was or not, he made that choice and now he is going to have to live with it. It was his mistake and I...

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Void Incursions Chapter 2: Arrival

Chapter 2: Arrival Location: Kelinen, Anar System Date: 01 AUG 2732 at 14:36 "Welcome to the Diadeem" Korrella chimed over the COM of the docking station "We hope you will enjoy your stay" While she was greeting the newly arrived guest, she was...

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Shattered Glass Chapter 13: History Repeats Itself

History Repeats Itself "So tell me Mr. ... What is your last name exactly if you don't mind me asking" Korrella asked feeling more talkative now that everyone was back in the room. "Xiaxel, Serail Xiaxel" I answered feeling somewhat obligated for...

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What makes one? What qualifies one as such? Can it be a good thing? Or is it a deadly sin? The sight of things, The feel of them, The needy lust, The once in a life chance. I see something i want, Something I may need, Or may simply...

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