The Raging Hounds Book 1 Epilogue

\*\*\*\*\* "Federation prevails indeed, Colonel. Murkov out." Lord-general Isac Murkov said, pressing a button on his computer that shut down the video call to Colonel Schaefer. The black Schnauzer stroked his beard idly as he leaned back in his...

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The Raging Hounds XIII: Sade Campaign Finale: Old Scars

After _The Saint's Rapier_ had landed into the hangar of GFS _Triumphant_, Schaefer had laid down a strict order in which things would be done. First of all everyone was to go through the med-bay and get themselves checked, followed by gear maintenance...

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The Chemdogs

The young Raccoon Dog's heart was beating fast and hard like a pneumatic hammer in his chest. His breathing was quick and shallow, his blue eyes screwed firmly shut in an attempt to fight away the burning tears of fear and shame. The canid was...

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The Gentle Juggernaut I

Tirnel couldn't believe his bad luck. It had been a week since the merchant caravan had left the city of Golemar and they were mere two days from their destination -the free trade city Del Eliard- when they had been ambushed by a large group of...

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The Gentle Juggernaut II: Of Fury, Shadows and Iron

With a grunt Tirnel dropped the armful of firewood he'd been carrying to Rhaz's hut all the way from the large storage hut near the edge of the Bloodaxe village. Following that he unloaded the two hefty waterskins he'd filled from the slowly flowing,...

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The Raging Hounds Chapter I: The Misfit

The Raging Hounds, the universe the story is located and all the characters are copyright of Rhazagal. No part of this series may be used without permission from the author. If you dislike reading about M/M action between two (or more!) soldiers, you...

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The Raging Hounds XII: Sade Campaign Part 3: Blazing Skies

This story, all the characters and the universe in which it takes place are all belong to Rhazagal! No stealing, obviously. Have fun! A special thanks for my friend Silv aka. Sadetanssija for mercilessly whipping me to write and making this story...

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Ex Infernis I - The Warlock and the Vigilantes

With a cry of pain and a loud clatter Kaden was thrown against the large metal dumpsters tucked away at the back of the dirty, dark alleyway in one of the poorer districts of Garlington City. The young, thin raccoon -in his late teens by the looks of...

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The Gentle Juggernaut IV: The Shining Host

The midday sun shone mercilessly on the little independent trade town of Malikesh, the parchment-dry wind bringing no relief with it as it tossed dust around in little gusts. Malikesh's location far away from most other civilized locations made it a...

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The Raging Hounds: Geist

One month of hell... A full month had passed since the forces of the Galactic Federation had crushed the last human resistance in the colony they had found in the Sade system. With the deaths of Marshal Begundi and Inquisitor Superior Antonius the rest...

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