A Companion for Life (Part 3)

**A Companion for Life Part 3** It had been hours since his coworkers had left, but Arthur still remained at the lab. He just sat in a chair staring blankly at the egg in front of him. He had both a reason and an excuse to keep staring at it. The...

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A Companion for Life (Part 4)

**A Companion for Life Part 4** The next afternoon, after a long car ride, Sam stood outside of the same apartment that he had lived in prior to leaving. Everything seemed to be the same. There was a steady flow of cars passing by on streets,...

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A Companion for Life (Part 2)

A Companion for Life Part 2 "Sam!" Jet cried out as he leapt across the newly formed gap. He landed on the other side with ease and growled viciously; showing off his fangs. The sight was intimidating to the boys as Jet slowly...

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A Companion for Life (Part 5)

**A Companion for Life Part 5** "This isn't good..." a man said as he peered through a glass wall. "If I don't get another sample soon she'll go berserk again." He clenched his fist and slammed it into the wall. "And I'll be damned if I let that...

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The Dance of Winter

The sound of the bell chimed through the ballroom. I look up with surprise; is it already time for winter? Drops of water land on my nose, making it twitch. It's brief, though, as the drops of water turn into slow-falling snow. The ceiling is now...

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Moon's Shadow (Friend or Foe?)

Moon's Shadow ===Friend or Foe?=== The sky was filled with a constant roar as airships traveled to and from Ivu. Each one dropped off another group of soldiers. After extinguishing the fires that still burned their task was to exhume any bodies...

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Black Blood Chapter 7

"Please!" Tom said as he teasingly nudged Ren's shoulder. "No..." Ren said half-heartedly as he tried to ignore Tom's constant pestering. "Come on, Ren!" Tom said with a slight whine in his voice. "We only have two more weeks left of summer vacation!...

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Black Blood Chapter 6

Ren's eyes wandered lazily as they stared at the ceiling of the bright white tube. His body was relaxed as he laid on his back in that confined space. If circumstances were different he'd be asleep for the entire process, but the constant humming that...

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Black Blood Chapter 5

Tom's eyes wandered around the cafeteria. He watched for sudden shifts and the familiar faces of those who were a constant burden on him. It had been almost three months since his and Emrik's confrontation outside the classroom. Tom had hoped that...

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Black Blood Chapter 4

Tom rubbed his eyes as they became heavier. He looked around and watched his father pace back and forth while his brother slept in the chair next to him. They'd been at the hospital for over four hours and it was well past the time they'd normally be...

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Black Blood Chapter 14

"What the hell are you doing?" Todd's voice was with filled with annoyance and anger as he glared at Sera. "We both have the chance to avoid interacting with one another for the rest of class and you want to give that up!?" Sera softly inhaled....

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