Closet Space

Today was your third day as Dr. Faustus's live-in assistant. She'd called you to her office and explained, politely and succinctly, that from now on you'd spend your off hours living and working in her home. You had, of course, immediately agreed to...

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Mind If I Take That

You'd wandered outside, struck with the sudden desire to go for a walk. Now, you were hopelessly lost. The familiar roads around your house had wound and weaved their way into an incomprehensible tangle of pathways that crossed and interwined, bathed...

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Break time. The best time of the day, one might argue. You always took your break at the same time every day, and usually at the same place - a coffee shop just down the street from the lab. They even knew your name, which you found very gratifying. ...

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Unsafe Testing Conditions

"So there's virtually no risk!" Nex explained excitedly, concluding a lengthy, babbling safety explanantion that had lost you quickly and given you ample time to completely zone out. You simply nodded, thinking better than to ask him to explain it all...

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Coffee Lynx

It was rude to stare. You knew that. Your mom had told you that. You knew it perfectly well. But you couldn't take your eyes off that lynx. You did your best not to make it obvious, sipping at your tea, nibbling at your pastry, sneaking glances...

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Trial of Faith

What a lovely bloom coming this year. You had worked so, so hard to ensure that the garden was in tip-top shape, so diligently and meticulously tended, not a single stray leaf or fallen flower out of place. You took immense pride in your work. A...

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Day 29 - Bad End

Earning the approval and admiration of fellow adventurers was something you wanted perhaps more than you should, but being a kobold adventurer among humans, elves, and dwarves, you felt an exaggerated need to one-up and impress your peers. ...

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Day 28 - Unaware

"Ah, good, come on in, welcome." Matts said, eagerly beckoning you inside. "Please make yourself at home, dinner will be ready in just a moment." Dinner with the Matts. It was a very concept, even if it was just a semi-professional meeting to...

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Day 27 - Recording

"Trust me, you'll love this." Cotton said, making sure his Riolu boyfriend was wearing the headset before carefully lifting a tape with his Sylveon ribbons and slotting it into his video player. "Which tape am I watching first?" Azyl asked,...

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Day 26 - Fey

It was the most beautiful red feather you'd ever seen. Just laying there, steps away from the parking lot. You thought you'd just pick it up. Then, inches from your hand, a gust of wind lifted it up, floating it gently, gracefully, a few more...

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Day 25 - Resist

You were one of the last few dragons who hadn't undergone the conversion treatment. One of the last bastions of dragons having their own will. A firm advocate of independence. Needless to say, you were in some trouble. Dragon grunts - or as they...

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Day 24 - Drink

Anxiously, you stepped into the doorway to Dr. Faustus's office, squirming and pacing in place. She looked up at you curiously, raising an eyebrow in a silent question of of your need. Need was the right word for it. Two weeks ago, she'd started...

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