Chapter 13 -- Varian

--- Varian. The two strangers stumbled blindly into the air gap between sets of automatic doors, with their gloved hands over their eyes, as large vent fans stripped the dust from their clothes and the air which had followed...

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What remained of her body, had been laid out on an examination table. Pausing at the door, he took in the carnage before him. The once sterile room now smelled of roasted meat, burnt hair, and explosive residue. He had seen far worse in the war, but...

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Shannon continued..

"How long have you been online?" he asked as he watched various data fields on the report changing by them self. Most notably, a proper name now appeared in the previously blank 'Identification' field. He did not recognize the name, but it certainly...

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Ch. 22 -- Embassy

--- Embassy. The building itself looked like a giant plant, its central column sprouting branch like arms at regular intervals in a rising spiral. Each branch supporting a large platform like an enormous leaf, ready to...

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