Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 1

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR The droning sounds of the airplane's engine and my fear of heights were not helping the situation. Motion sickness had me lying back with my eyes closed, wishing the fight would end soon. A muffled and...

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The Thordani Heretic, as told by Thenyr Nontdargo

"I tell you a story that speaks to me. Once, there was a Thordani who strayed from the light, desiring power and wealth beyond what. It started innocently, but quickly grew to something more. As he gained power and influence, he became defected from...

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Sunwolves. (Prospective title) (Not by me)

Diago felt the moonbeams caress his back, and felt strength well within him. This was his destiny. Under the starry sky, the wolves gathered, their weapons in hand, their clothes in tatters. Each one bore a scar somewhere on their bodies. Some...

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A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - Coming to you live... (1)

> > > A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - Coming to you live... > > > ~~SnowDragon > > > > > > > > > > > > I've been GM'ing Shadowrun for about eight years now, and it's finally gotten to me to write a story about a group of characters I've created...

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Ch.4 Uprising

Volch looked up at the eagle's eyes. "i am training him well, he will be a strong warrior. by the harvest moon he will be as great of a figure as yourself."

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Rules of Economics-Chapter 1

If brian didn't know better, he could've sworn this...eagle. it was an eagle of some kind, with deep brown feathers on his crest and lighter brown on his head and neck. there were silver tips on many of them.

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From Life To Death (NOT MY WRITING)

From Life to Death For Arrow By Draconicon Thenyr had come to the Mountains of Shadow to face the strongest threats to his god that he could find. The Thoradon had thought that he could handle them, as he had become one of the strongest...

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thordani race stats

The racial stats for the thoradan, a race of eagle people, as designed for d&d5e by runesmith. i've altered some of the fluff details for my own use, but i've left his version intact here. most notably, my thordani live to human lifespans.

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Clarity of Purpose (Welded Sunset)

~ well above the discrete happenings of the base camp below, the broad winged eagle mech carefully balanced atop a fresh thermal updraft while waiting for the final phase of calibrations to conclude.

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Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 5

Would i eventually be to an eagle as russel is to the bear? indeed, my changes have been slower, but they were still creeping further and further.

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Learning to Fly

I didn't know i'd even have one if my anatomy resembled an accurate eagle's reproductive organs. i hadn't looked up the specifics for this nanite transformation. i suppose i was too embarrassed to do so.

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A Reason to Live part 1

Standing just beyond the door jamb was his eagle wife roxanne. she was wearing khaki shorts, a white t-shirt, and boots similar to those her husband wore.

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