Careful what you wish for... (F.F.F. Story Entry)

#2 of one-shots this is my entry into the first story competition being hosted by fan-fiction furs (f.f.f.) the theme was the shape shifters books, a series of books that i am comletely unfamiliar with.

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Pyschic Impressions

Jenna and Ina were busy doing research on psychic abilities and had managed to find a trainer who was an exspert on psychic pokemon. Ina sent her a message a recieved a reply with in seconds of the sent message. The trainers name was was Sandy and she...

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Zoids: History of Zi - Part 002

# Chapter Two # # Age of Tribes Towards the beginning of what we would call the Early Holocene period, the Zoidians began to dominate the planet that they had come to call "Zi." With fewer natural disasters to reduce their numbers their population...

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Zoids: History of Zi - Part 001

However, it was only recently that i decided to put thought to paper, and truly develop my fan-verse.

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Isolation-Excerpt 1-Arrival

My ship creaked and rattled as it made the jump out of Hyperspace. Laying in front of me was the forest world of Ios. From my Recaro pilot seat I could see clouds swirling over the dark green surface. It's aquatic moon peacefully orbited the planet and...

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When at Home. . .

* * * Jenna, a beautiful hybrid of Fennec and Cheetah parentage sat alone in her room doing nothing in particular in front of her computer. Her parents were at work and her brother was down in his large basement room playing video games or something....

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Conker and Pipsy

Conker the spank happy squirrel was heading to Pipsy's house. Pipsy heard a knock at the door she opened "Oh hey Conker what brings you here?" she asked. Conker walked over to Pipsy's and patted his lap. "Conker what do you want?" Pipsy...

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Conker and Berri

Chapter 1: Conker and Berri One day Conker was sitting at home with Berri sitting next to him they were really bored today, but suddenly Conker grinned, and pulled Berri over his lap. She was really surprised by this, and asked him"Conker what are...

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Fan Fiction - The Witch's Demand

This is a fan fiction sequel based off a story guardian hawk wrote, called 'the witch's demand'. it follows one of the characters as she tries to deal with the aftermath of what took place, and to ultimately heal from it. author's note: hello again!

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Dons Nation - Week 6

When we come back, we welcome a new segment where the fans can call in and talk about the dons and football. get ready for that. woods: taking your calls next! only on dons nation! yeah!!!

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Kingdom Sonic Act 1 Mystious Key Kid

kingdom sonic act 1 character by Sega and Kyro\_The\_Wolf flame, Kano, flare, Tonya, Tyson, sparks, Judy, ruby, Kyro and lavos are made by Kyro\_The\_Wolf sonic and other related characters are property of Sega and sonic team Sora and related...

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The Snake Charmer

This is a story based on the random doom fan group. now the story is something like this a serperior comes to the ranch to be watched for a few days and during those few days he captures all the female's hearts which get most of the men mad.

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