In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 10 (MHO)
Obviously still dealing with the effects of that damn ghoul's bite, heh," kuna said.
Desires 4
Downing his cup's contents in one practiced gulp, he set it aside, settling between kuna's legs with a hungry expression. kuna knew better than to protest, even if he wanted to.
MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 8
Further, kuna tensed up and stopped.
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 1
"i think it's safe to say he likes it," kuna said, giggling. "i'd say so! nice to meet you sunshine. i'm lykou and this is kuna." "lykouna! kuna kuna lykouna!" kuna snorted again. "looks like he's a bit confused."
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson isles - Chapter 14
kuna thought for a moment, then took a breath and fidgeted slightly.
Downtime - Ch. 9 (MHO)
kuna nodded. "i can imagine. the similarities are pretty weird." lykou walked around the statue, getting a good look at it from all angles. "i wonder what it means?" "means?" kuna asked curiously. "what do _you_ mean?"
MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 6
"'nuff beatin' roond the bush," the wolpertinger lightly chided the lepne, then turned to kuna. "yer soul's cracked, kuna." "...what?" kuna asked, looking stunned. "m-my... my soul? is... cracked??"
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 9 (MHO)
When the ghost showed no signs of doing anything in particular at all, lykou gently tugged on kuna's arm. kuna nodded and they both carefully walked around the spirit to continue on their way.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 24
"definitely," kuna said, cuddling up in the konuul's arms. "goodnight, lykou." "sweet dreams, kuna."
Downtime - Ch. 1 (MHO)
"i'll second that one," kuna agreed. "there you two are!" a familiar voice startled them, as zyn appeared behind them. "gah!" kuna yelped.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 13
He handed kuna a bag for him to carry the stone up in, and kuna slung it around his neck, shaking slightly.
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 23
kuna asked nervously.