Prayer and Demon 18 - Reconciliations

"runepaw," kylan stated, clearly and curtly. diya gave him a betrayed look, and kylan himself refused to meet anyone's eyes, instead stirring his soup with the certainty that at least two or three sets had widened at the namedrop.

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Prayer and Demon 4 - Vows

kylan's gaze snapped to her with a disbelieving look. his sister could only shrug in response. "you can't deny he's the type.

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Prayer and Demon 1 - The Choosing

"it's alright," nayeli assured her, taking the reins from kylan, "we'll ask the quartermaster to supply the rest when we catch up with the army." "the army?!" kylan asked, "we're joining the army?"

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Prayer and Demon 5 - Crossing Into Esles

Behind her, kylan had lifted one of the rabbit's large feet into his lap, and begun carefully kneading the road-worn pads beneath.

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Prayer and Demon 3 - Story Time

kylan thumped the side of his tub firmly, surprising everyone, "now that i'm part of this, i want to do my part.

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Prayer and Demon 11 - Kits-Inn

The same question was put to kylan at the next door, and given the same answer. no answer came at the next door, however, and after a short wait nayeli moved on down the line.

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Prayer and Demon 9 - Into the Caves

She couldn't understand the kobold any better than kylan, but let her eyes follow to where she was pointing a clawed finger at the cavern floor.

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Prayer and Demon 19 - Setting Out for Coras (EPILOG)

kylan quirked a brow at the instructions, but nodded, and shook the reins to get the horses moving.

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Kapitel 9 - Vulkan und Eismeer

#10 of drachenkrieg vorsichtig und kaum hörbar öffnete sich die tür zu kylans thronraum.

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Prayer and Demon 8 - Meeting the Wind

Behind her, diya and kylan had already succumbed to the exhaustion of the day. all of them, even kylan, had stripped down to their fur, and the tent already reeked of their pheromonal scent.

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Prayer and Demon 2 - Battle of the Kobold Gods

They were small, not much bigger than diya and kylan, but wire-strong and armed with fine weapons...some of which had probably been looted from the army's camp while the battle still raged.

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