Metamorphosis Chapter 3 [Doctor's Trenchcoat]

"doctor viper...., hodgepodge... no i am not a pervert... wake up i have a lead... really and we need to procure it before the trail goes cold... the hospital at timberwood... theres a boy trust me... i watched it with my own eyes."

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Feral's Journal

Getting soaked while fighting dr. viper paw to paw didn't help matter either. i was shaking so badly my teeth were cutting my lip.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 1

#1 of swat kats: wrong place, wrong time dark kat and dr. viper have finally gone too far. despite feral and razor's firm moral code against killing, this is one time they will make an exception.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 2

Dark kat was going over a map of the city with dr. viper at his side when the three creeplings flew in and chattered at their master urgently. "what?" he asked not believing what he was hearing. "what are they ssssaying, dark kat?"

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Proyecto FUR 5

"el siguiente combate dará comienzo en 6 horas, dr. viper vs shiron"- se escudo la fría voz por todo el lugar

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 6

dr. viper is to use those deadly vines and plantimals of his to take over the trade towers. with hard drive at his side, he is supposed to cripple megakat city's financial hub.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 5

"this city is under active siege from dark kat and dr. viper. i can't take time to rest while they are on the loose. everyone is tired and frustrated. i just don't have the time." feral snapped coldly. "then you'll lose the kitten!" dr.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 8

He spent the next few hours till dawn finishing his new inventions that would put an end to dark kat and dr. viper for good. it was just after eight in the morning when chance awoke. he yawned and stretched.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 7

#7 of swat kats: wrong place, wrong time chapter 7: plans within plans over the next three weeks, the enforcers and swat kats fought the constant diversionary tactics of dark kat and dr. viper.

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 27

Now the only enemies of any concern was dr. viper and pastmaster. the metallikats were in pieces, thankfully, and turmoil was still in jail. the first month after dark kat's incarceration in prison, ms.

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Paw to Paw Combat

viper. they'd managed to destroy most of latest batch of his plant creatures, the ones that were left the city's crew of enforcers could handle. hell, they needed the practice!

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