The Wolf's Requiem Chapter 2 Part 3

Gale and Jake both let out long, soft, lustful moans as the last moments of passion left their bedroom, slowly leaving them in a blissful afterglow. Gale layed behind Jake on the soft bed, panting softly with his furry arms around Jake's middle,...

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The Wolf's Requiem (re-uploaded) Chapter 2 Part 2.5

(The next morning - 10:37) Jake walked to the small-ish décor shop, taking in the sight for a moment before he continued into the store. When Jake entered the two levelled store he was immediately met by a range of flowers, statues and structural...

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The Wolf's Requiem (re-uploaded) Chapter 2 Part 2

Gale stared up at the night sky, looking out at the countless stars that painted the black canvas above like the gold rimmed eyes of the similarly black furred wolf. Gale's paw went to the silk collar that hugged his neck with comfort, his padded...

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The Wolf's Requiem Chapter 2 (Part 1)

Gale's fur was soft and warm to the touch, the short, soft hairs pressed against Jake's cheek as he nuzzled Gale's thick snout. Jake put one hand onto the bed next to Gale's head and the other onto his thumping, canine heart. "You ready?" Jake...

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Burned Memories (Part 2)

Lucien woke up to the sound of Chris screaming loudly and hands being forced against his back. He quickly turned around and was able to grab the wrists of the person hitting him, keeping the hands from trying to force him out of the bedroll. In the...

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The Wolf's Requiem Chapter 2 (Part 5)

Jake's eyesight grew a red tint as the shot blasted through the air around the clearing, the sound of shouts and screams grew in the seconds that followed. Jake turned round, the piece of Eden still in hand, and saw Gales father pinning Leo to the...

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Burned Memories (Part 1)

Lucien loved walks like this when he was human, walking through the forest with bright green leaves pushing against the wind that would then blow against his skin. He pulled the sleeves down his arms, his golden fur flattening against the cloth that...

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In The Forest (Part 1)

A small town layed on the coast with two ports facing out to sea, both held ships for either departure or staying for longer. On a small rise-like hill just out from the outskirts of the town is a tower, standing tall overlooking the old Victorian town...

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Brother In Law (Part 2)

"Tom, dinner's ready!" I called up to him, hearing a happy bark in response. Tom bolted down the stairs, only a t-shirt hugging his form. As he got to the kitchen I couldn't help stare at his soft sheath and balls. "What is it?" "Y-your favourite," I...

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From The Wolf's Mouth (Part 3)

Heston walked inside his apartment and closed the door behind him, the sound bouncing into the silent apartment. He slowly stepped through the cold apartment and turned on the heater, going to the TV using the remote to switch it on. The buzzing sound...

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Sharing Secrets

Tonight's the night, I'm going to come out to Alexander, my best friend. I'm scared shitless, but I think I have to do this. We've planned to go to the cinema, watch a few movies and then get some Chinese food on the way home. By which point I want to...

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Brother In Law

**_There's two things I should make clear right now: firstly I'm gay, secondly I have a crush on my brother. Now it wasn't the fact that he's my brother that attracts me, it's his personality, his appearance, and how he always made sure I came first...

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