Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #3 Final

The rumble from the crowd increased as the multitude of gathering digimon awaited the promised entertainment. They stomped their feet against the floor making a loud deafening noise, like something you would hear in a sports arena. In fact all of the...

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Digimon Tamers: Lust of MistressDevimon #2

* * * MistressDevimon ran a finger over her lower lip. "I thought I told you two I wanted the Tamer." LadyDevimon and DarkLillymon coward under her throne. "Yes mistress you did, but you see..." DarkLillymon was cut off by the other." You see...

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Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #1

Rika ran through the crowds of people with Renamon following behind her in her stealth like fashion. Rika produced her D-power from her belt and looked up the information of the appearing digimon. She stopped in front of the white cloud just as Renamon...

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Gypsy Curse #5

Episode 5 It was the beginning of a new school week and Debbie yawned hard while placing her books into her locker. "I really hate Mondays....so not my day." She said groaning to...

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Gypsy curse# 6 FINAL

Episode six Kate, the school girl's gym teacher discreetly walked down the halls, as if she was on some sort of secret mission. Just as she turned the corner she bumped into the equine...

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Erotic Fairy Tales #6 The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz A young white cat named Dorothy lived on a small farm in Kansas with her aunt Em and Uncle Henry. She was finding it increasingly...

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Sexual Shorts

The baby sitter The white cat Melloney walked down the hall, her eyes passing from each door to the small piece of paper in her hand. Her tail swayed back and forth coming...

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Gypsy Curse # 4

Epsiode 4 Suzie swallowed hard at the thought that there was another herm at the school this whole time. "You have no idea how long i have been waiting to have another...

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Gypsy Curse #3

Episode 3 Suzie woke up looking at the clock which showed 7:17, shi yawned already dreading another day at school. Shi looked over at hir mother who shi slept with that night, who...

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Return of the Sex Zombies part 2

part 2 The front door of the church was smashed open as the attacking furs poured through the entrance. A cat nun was on her back at the front door, her dress ripped from her body....

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Return of the Sex Zombies part 1

**The following story is based on true events, names of places and people have been changed to protect the families of the victims.** ...

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Gypsy Curse #2

Episode 2 Suzie walked out of the shower with hir new member hanging from between hir legs, shi looked down as shi dried hirself off thinking to hirself. "Damn this thing is huge" and just as shi was thinking about...