A Happy Ending

The Clydesdale feels the static electricity in the air as it prickles along his fur. "This temple has a protector!" he thinks to himself as a lightning bolt flashes through the air. With the early warning thanks to the static, the mage...

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A Snowkitten Cometh 26: There's Magic In The Air

The group of jet-lagged crusaders relaxes around a worn round wooden table in an out-of-the-way restaurant in a distant land. The flight from Phoenixbrook took less time than they expected and it left them with almost half a day to waste until the...


Chapter Twelve

"meet grukur bloodfang, my very first midknight." malthamus announced cheerfully. "midknight. rather clever isn't it? ah, but maybe you remember him as a different name? perhaps as..."

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Highly sought insight

"cheered," he said in agreement as he recalled the aggravation he felt when dealing with one of the semi-feral bloodfang worgen during an excursion to the outskirts

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Belial: Monster

"well, fully my name is dorakatar clan bloodfang, but dora is a human name, and it means 'crimson' anyway. besides, everyone just calls me red anyway, since they don't know my name." "nice to meet you red."

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Chapter V: So... Come here often?

Those bloodfangs though..." she stuck out her tongue and shook her head in disgust. "martha," reprimanded samson. "we have a guest." he smiled warmly towards caleb. "come, caleb, let us retire to the patio outside.

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