Midline Shift 19 - Quarian Semantics

It turns out the people that were unconscious were given some kind of specialised sleeping poison, one that effects quarians specifically. the humans just got beaten much more badly."

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Don't You Dare.

This was it . . . did death feel this way? Was it really so clean and so simple to take in and process? Not like she had room to process this in the certain sate of things. Giselle's life literally depend in on hanging factor, small hands held...

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Galaxy On Fire Chapter 2

**Galaxy On Fire Chapter 2** **Vyus-** Omega. I love this place. Plenty of drugs for cheap, at least if you know the supplier, and I know many. This place had cleaned up a bit in recent years. A couple of brutal gang wars and everything would be...

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Midline Shift 41 - Live From Horizon

Mass effect copyrighted to bioware, "on the run" created by and copyrighted to leitbur and oc remix, finalgamer to me five months had soon passed, and with it came several events over the course of james' experience with the geth.

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Midline Shift 25 - Missing Pieces

Mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me "i think you now owe me some explanations," said dahnus drumarien.

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Midline Shift 23 - On The Beat

They were people whose lives went upside-down, kids who fell through the cracks, an unfortunate but inevitable side effect when in a station-sized city whose population factored into millions.

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Midline Shift 21 - Archangel

"salicylic, normally can be used like aspirin, but concentrated correctly can cause soporific effects, drowsiness, sleep.

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Midline Shift 20 - The Doctor of Omega

Mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me from the outside, omega was like a dark spacelord's castle.

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Midline Shift 38 - Amongst the Geth

_"adverse effects differ between subjects-"_ "fine whatever, just lemme sit down for a bit."

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This was the end of it all, of his life - and yet Arthur Gaylen was not afraid. The sunlight of the day was fading to a cool in the nearby window, the musical beats rom the machines around him seemed to dull, and his Daughter's hand upon his felt like...

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The Cabal: 01 Time Line

The war while still kept secret from the sleeps of the world still cost the lives of many mages of all the orders. 2062-as the effects of what was to become the greatest mage war in history began to fade several cabals of mages composed of a mix of orders

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Midline Shift 48 - Keelah Se'lai

It might be something toxic, but whatever effects it has on him i am not certain of."

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