The Winners

As the day went on after the class party the day before they both decided to make a competition to see who's best at a shooting game. The day for this event was perfect for it; it was stormy, the wind gnawed the walls of the houses which made the...

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The Gift Of Beauty

The sun was just about hanging above the horizon, the delicate orb in the sky casting its sweet rays over the golden sands and the rippling, crystaline, blue sea.

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My Dearest Mother

For all the tears you've wiped away and times you've bailed us out. For all the times you've kissed away and rid us of our pout. For all the events that you have planned to make our dreams come true. For all the clothing you have sown to make it...

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Home Sweet Farm

Home sweet farm chapter 1 there are many strange things in the world, some can be explained some cannot. in this world there lived humans and anthros but unlike in the past they lived in peace side by side in harmony.

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hidden dragon land 3

Tommy started drinking pee that was cotton candy pee from James foreskin penis. James loved tommy pee as it tasted like apples to him so he sucked it done until nothing came out anymore. Tommy drink james pee that tasted like cotton candy to him so...

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Chapter 3: The Two Weeks

The two weeks of work routine had passed and for Alfred it passed quite fast, perhaps too fast. In the middle of the routine Alfred found out that he was in love with Arthur and tried to handle this truth about himself that he was in love with same...

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Chapter 2: New Beginning

Alfred felt quite anxious to meet his parents after his first day at Arthur's place. Though he is allowed to visit different furs and other species he was not allowed to stay and visit for long and he certainly know his approximate time he could use to...

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Chapter 1: The Project

The school had already started about two months ago and the class had at that time experienced both really good and less good situations which ultimately made them closer to each other. Some of the good situations were pulled off by the open-minded and...

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Special To Me

It had been a long day for the both of them, Leo, a Mackenzie Valley Wolf who worked as an electrician was exhausted with the amount of work that he had done throughout his shift, at least the day was over and now he could relax on the couch and watch...

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Moonlight Lovers

Oh, ballad of old Telling tales so oft told Grace us with your stories once more Of a time that has come and gone; existing no more A quiet story of a young and tender love Pure and gentle as the moon high above Two young souls Tied together by...

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Sweet As Candy

sweets noticed her oncoming pleasure and ceased licking momentarily, looking deep into candy's eyes. candy looked up at sweets with big puppy-like eyes and said, "please, sweets? down there..."

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On Time

Dedicated to Calvin. Merry Christmas to you, hun. And all of my furry friends. God damn. It's finally over with. As the last customer leaves, I smile and wish him a good evening as I practically follow on his heels in my effort to close up the shop....

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