Lonely Oak Chapter 43

"they need a little breaking-in," he said, lifting one heel to feel how stiff and uncomfortable it was to try and bend it. "i kinda like 'em." "yeah they--" "excuse me?"

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Lonely Oak Chapter 42

When Ket's mom suddenly showed up beside them, telling them they were getting a bit far away, they decided to take a break. Back on shore, they found out that they had actually been out for two and a half hours, and once they discovered that it...

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A Soldier's Heart Chapter Six: John

I approached the door to Derek's room. It was late in the night and the moon had risen in the sky. I gently knocked on the door, but didn't hear a reply. I slowly opened the door and peeked my head in. All the lights were off, but the moon was bright...

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Poem Of A Broken heart #3

The Darkest time has come to pass, For when i'm alone at last, The song my heart so fragile weeps, Will cry out in the months to come, My mate has left my side, she no longer wakes. Her touch I can no longer feel, My heart, this is to...

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Mesozoic Park (Part 13)

Only a month or so after the pair of Indominus Rexs hatched, they had to be moved to their permanent enclosure, the male grew to be rather dominate over the female, becoming the alpha and hogging much of the food, stunting the females growth, at about...

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Commission - Dead Betty

The smoke had mostly dissipated, but a few streaming trails of it clung to the crevasse in its chassis, a break in the surface that the secretary bird looked deep into out of curiosity, "oh dear.

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Disassociation 1

The baths at Calin are something else, indeed. The cool tiles soothe Kret's soles, and the warmth of the steam makes her shudder. Attendant girls stand on either side of the door, and others keep their distance as they prepare the water with oils and...

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Conquest of the King [Commission]

And he had a lot more minds to break in this beautiful little kingdom. **to read more work like this early, head to my patreon!** **[www](http://www.patreon.com/limewah)[.](http://www.patreon.com/limewah)[patreon](http://www.patreon.com/limewah)[.]

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Chapter One: The Pool Hall Hustle

==CHAPTER ONE== The Pool Hall Hustle ================= It was Saturday morning, and the sun woke Jacob out of another night's erased memories. He moved to get blood flowing, then rolled and fell out of the "bed" he had fashioned out of an old...

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Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound

**Laelaps- Canis Major** Before I say anything, I just want you to know that I have the power to break the fourth wall. No one else does. They, despite talking to you, have no idea you exist. Some would say that I'm insane for talking to you, but I'm...

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6. Break Away (100 Theme Challenge)

I've stated before in "1. Introduction" that I may not necessarily be writing fiction or poetry for this challenge. This is one such case, as I will be getting a little more real with you.I'm sure many of you have people, places, struggles, or...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 73

Ket opened his eyes. "_Dang it._" He knew the whisper came from Emmy, even though he couldn't see her. "What?" He groggily asked. "Go back to sleep." She told him. He yawned, and moved his hand about. She was nearby, but he couldn't tell where...

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